LKST IPB University Organizes Banking Training to Support Startup Business Development

LKST IPB University Organizes Banking Training to Support Startup Business Development

LKST IPB University Selenggarakan Pelatihan Perbankan Untuk Mendukung Perkembangan Bisnis Startup

The Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) held a training activity for 14 startups of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) PRIMESTeP Incubation program with the theme “The Role of Banking in Supporting Startup Development” on Friday, 1/12.

“This activity aims to increase knowledge and understanding of banking programs, as well as opportunities for collaboration with banks in supporting startup business development, both in business investment, marketing, and utilization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs or Partnership and Community Development Programs (PKBL),” said Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi.

Deva Primadia Almada, Assistant of Business Incubator Division of LKST said, “ADB’s PRIMESTeP startup incubation program in 2023-2027 has a fairly challenging target, out of 100 startups incubated, there must be two startups that get series B funding, and one series C startup,” Deva said.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairperson of LKST for Business Incubators and Industrial Partnerships, Prof Rokhani Hasbullah said that developing a startup business certainly requires capital from various sources ranging from family or own funds (bootstrapping), bank credit, investment from angel investors and Venture Capital.

“Utilize this activity to be able to collaborate with banking programs in order to develop a business so that it can get series funding,” said Prof Rokhani.

The first material was delivered by Hilda, Manager of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) House of Bank Mandiri regarding the role of BUMN Houses in startup development, millennials basecamp, coworking space, PKBL programs and People’s Business Credit (KUR).

“We invite startups fostered by IPB University to join Rumah BUMN. Many benefits can be obtained such as access to competence, marketing, national and international product expos,” said Hielda.

Ana Pertiwi, Funding Transaction Manager of Bank BRI conveyed the application of QR Payment, its benefits and uses, types of QRIS, and KUR Bank BRI starting from the KUR service process to the features and requirements of KUR for both micro and small businesses.

Another speaker, Indra Jatmiko, BNI Ventures Bank Manager, conveyed related Digital Initiatives through the BNI Mobile Banking application, BNI programs in supporting startups through BNI Ventures in the startup funding series, and an explanation of the products and services provided by Bank BNI such as BNI Direct, BNI Giro, BNI Trade, BNI Virtual Account (VA) and others. (stpipb/Lp) (IAAS/MKY)