LKST IPB University Holds Seminar on Results of Innovation Development Program and Startup Business Incubation Program in 2023

LKST IPB University Holds Seminar on Results of Innovation Development Program and Startup Business Incubation Program in 2023

LKST IPB University Gelar Seminar Hasil Program Pengembangan Inovasi dan Program Inkubasi Bisnis Startup Tahun 2023

IPB University through the Regional Institute of Science and Technology (LKST) as one of the recipients of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan 4272-INO: Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and Techno Park (PRIME STeP) 2023 program held a Development Program Results Seminar Innovation and Startup Business Incubation Program.

This activity aims to evaluate the results of implementation, sustainability and accountability of activities for 20 Innovators who received Innovation Development funds and 14 Startups who received Startup Business Incubation funds in 2023. This activity was held at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor on Wednesday 13/12.

The 2023 Innovation Development Program and Startup Business Incubation Program activities were carried out by the Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi. She said that from 2023 to 2028 IPB University was entrusted with running the PRIMESTEP program funded by ADB.

“Of course, this is a very useful facility from the Institutional Directorate of the Directorate General of Higher Education. “From 2018 it will not be easy for innovators and startups to achieve this,” she said.

She hopes that in the future the innovation originating from IPB University can be harmonized with the products of the 14 startups being fostered and will continue to develop well so that IPB University will always be at the forefront in developing strong and quality innovations and startups.

“The development of this innovation is divided into three clusters, namely innovation that can collaborate with industry, innovation that goes international and prospective innovation that we will continue to develop,” said Prof Erika.

Institutional Director of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Higher Education Research and Technology (Dikti Ristek), Dr Lukman said “IPB University is one of the four superior universities that we believe in developing a science techno park area as a project table for the National Medium Term Development Plan from “2020 to 2024 which will be inaugurated directly by President Jokowi,” he said.

He continued, the startup that will be incubated can attract a minimum of 100 workers so that it can create job opportunities. “From this process we have to really oversee this program until 2028, so that this startup will produce innovations that contribute to the Indonesian economy,” said Dr Lukman.

One of the startup CEOs of PT SanGreat Natural Indonesia, Fifin Nashirotun Nisya, said that the PRIME STeP IPB University program was very helpful in improving business management, licensing and increasing networking at IPB University.

“We have a main product, namely urban face control, which is useful for dealing with household pests in urban areas. “These products are made from natural products such as essential oils, seaweed, palm oil and others to prevent household pests such as rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies and other pests,” said Fifin. (Lp)