IPB University’s Aquatic Product Technology Students Hold Aquatic Product Innovation Exhibition

IPB University’s Aquatic Product Technology Students Hold Aquatic Product Innovation Exhibition

Mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Perairan IPB University Gelar Exhibition Aquatic Product Innovation
Student Insight EN

The Department of Aquatic Products Technology (THP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University held an Aquatic Product Innovation Exhibition, in the framework of the Technopreneurship Camp activities of the Merdeka Campus Competition Program (PKKM). It was held on 11/12 at the B2 Dolphin Corridor, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

Dr Eng Wahyu Ramadhan, Secretary of the THP Department of FPIK IPB University as well as the person in charge of the activity explained, that the exhibition was held in the framework of the Aquatic Products Technopreneurship course which is a compulsory course that escalates fishery product processing technology into a business that is ready to be commercialized.

“There are 12 innovations produced from the original work of students in groups and this is the final project of the Aquatic Products Technopreneur course. The products are mostly made from fish, seaweed, and spirulina,” he said.

Sunda Galih, a student participating in the Aquatic Product Innovation Exhibition said, “My group and I initiated a snack made from catfish and seaweed that is good for health because it is gluten-free, suitable for someone who cannot consume flour,” said this THP student.

He hopes that all students participating in this activity can make innovations that are certainly beneficial to the community and have market opportunities, to introduce food and non-food products made from fisheries industry materials.

“This activity is extraordinary because it matches my interest in being able to produce a product because with this program I feel accommodated so that I can channel our ideas and ideas of innovation to be realized in reality,” said Galih.

Another student, Mikel Martin, a THP student who was also a participant in the exhibition activities introduced the product he innovated, Receh (Bakso Goreng Keceh).

“Our product uses aquatic elements by using raw materials from catfish so that it is different from products that are usually circulating in the community. The choice of catfish in our product was chosen because this fish has a high protein value and has not existed before in the community,” he said.

Mikel continued, Receh products are unique and different from basing sold in the market, the product uses unique packaging so that consumers will be interested in buying the product.

“I am happy and proud because with this exhibition I can market the products that I make myself and hope that the products we make can spread and be liked by the public,” he said. (Lp) (IAAS/TNY)