IPB University Vocational School Lecturers Assist Islamic Boarding School in Providing Clean Water

IPB University Vocational School Lecturers Assist Islamic Boarding School in Providing Clean Water

Dosen Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Bantu Pondok Pesantren Penyediaan Air Bersih

IPB University Vocational School lecturers provided assistance to Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Thoyyibah Al-Islami Bogor in seeking the provision of clean water. The availability of clean water is very important for bathing and washing needs for students, teachers and administrators of the boarding school.

“In this programme, we help make a clean water supply system using the precipitation and filtration method. We specialise in this method to help the Putra Thoyyibah Al-Islami Islamic Boarding School in Bogor which is experiencing difficulties in providing clean water,” said the leader of the community service team (PPM) Ika Resmeiliana, SHut, MSi.

Based on the team’s monitoring, the water condition at the Thoyyibah Al-Islami boarding school was very disruptive to the students’ learning activities. The water available is murky, smelly, coloured and unfit for daily activities such as bathing and washing. This condition, said Ika, will have an impact on the health of the students.

“This PPM activity is also a transfer of technology starting from how to make a filter basin, operation to maintenance of water filters that can be carried out independently by Islamic boarding schools and the community,” said Fany Apriliani, SE, MT, one of the team members in the counselling material.

Dr Henny Endah A, MSc stated that the PPM activity at the boarding school was due to complaints from the students and ustaz who experienced difficulties in providing clean water for daily hygiene and sanitation purposes. Many of them even complained of itching and skin diseases.

According to Yudith Vega Paramitadevi, ST, MSi, this clean water treatment includes two stages: coagulation process followed by flocculation process by chemicals dissolved in water. From this process, colloids are produced that easily settle to the bottom of the tub which is carried out in a reservoir. And, the water filtration process to remove colour and odour.

After standing for 24 hours, the filtered water is clearer in colour with little sediment at the bottom. The IPB University Vocational School lecturer team also confirmed the filtered water with laboratory tests. The test results are expected to show a very significant decrease in the colour and turbidity of the raw water.

“From these results, the students, ustaz and board of the pesantren are very enthusiastic about the assistance of this water filter method, because the results of the water after going through this filter are quite clean and feasible to use for MCK activities at the pesantren,” said Ika.

Ustaz Irfan as the administrator of the male pesantren said that it is appropriate that the activities of the students in the pesantren are supported by the availability of clean, healthy and safe water. In fact, he hopes that this filter can be developed for a larger discharge because the number of students from year to year always increases, and also used as a source of drinking water in the boarding school. (IRS/ARK) (IAAS/RUM)