IPB University Postgraduate School Holds International Training and Certification for Developing Educational Soft Skills

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds International Training and Certification for Developing Educational Soft Skills

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Internasional untuk Pengembangan Soft Skill Tendik

IPB University’s Postgraduate School (SPs) held training and certification for Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2019 Associate Module soft skills development. This certification is intended for educational staff (tendik) in SPs and multidisciplinary study programs (Prodi).

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Resources, Cooperation and Development in his speech said that this training and certification was not only to train the students’ abilities but also to provide recognition of the staff competencies that had been carried out at SPs IPB University.

“Microsoft Office Excel has been relied on for work, such as creating budgets, tables, analyzing student data, and compiling reports that will guide decision making. “Because of that, this certification is very important for SPs IPB University staff,” she said at the opening of the event in Room 202, IPB Dramaga Campus (9-10/12).

Rudi Irawan, SP, MSi, Chairman of Administration for the Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University added that in the current era of technological development, the need for human resources who have capabilities in the field of technology is very important in a company organization, especially in universities. Therefore, SPs IPB University holds training and certification to increase competition between students in career development.

“The activity was carried out for two days, on the first day there was training and on the second day a certification exam was carried out, the aim was to validate the staff’s abilities and competencies in using the Microsoft Office Excel 2019 application and a certificate of the results of this exam was issued by Certiport, which is an international certification provider program,” he added.

One of the participants, Effi Hariyadi, SM, MSi said that this activity provided insight, increased capacity, and skills which were very valuable for students so that they would be better prepared to do work at SPs IPB University.

“Hopefully in the future, SPs IPB University can consistently carry out training and certification so that students will be more enthusiastic in developing their abilities and competencies to be even better,” he said. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/Res)