IPB University Lecturers Provide Motivation and Growth Mindset for Teachers and Tendik SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Boyolali

IPB University Lecturers Provide Motivation and Growth Mindset for Teachers and Tendik SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Boyolali

Dosen IPB University Bekali Motivasi dan Growth Mindset Bagi Guru dan Tendik SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Boyolali

Through the Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi (DMI) programme, a team of IPB University Vocational School lecturers held a workshop on motivation and growth mindset at SMKS Bhinneka Karya 5 Boyolali. The workshop aimed to provide teachers and education personnel (tendik) with the necessary understanding, techniques and tools so that they can have a positive impact on student development.

“This workshop focuses on strategies to increase motivation, formulate goals and build strong self-confidence, which in turn will improve the quality of teaching and support to students,” said Bayu Widodo, ST, MT, lecturer of Computer Engineering Study Programme of IPB University Vocational School as the team leader.

“In order for the motivation delivered to be right on target, it is better to know the basic human character to make it easier to give and receive the information delivered,” said Dr Wien Kuntari, one of the speakers from the Agribusiness Management Study Program of SV IPB University who conveyed how to understand someone’s personality.

This is in line with what was conveyed by Dewi Yuningrih, SPd, MPd that educators should continue to develop themselves and have competence in accordance with their knowledge.

Uding Sastrawan, SP, MSi also conveyed the importance of competency certification to encourage and prepare SMK Bhinneka Karya 5 Teras as a SMK Centre of Excellence (SMK PK). SMK PK itself is an important step in preparing Indonesia’s young generation to become a superior and competent workforce in the industrial world.

“Through the ownership of certification, it is expected to encourage students to get a certificate of competence according to the field of study at the SMK concerned,” said Uding. Similarly, Sihhono said that competency certification can motivate and have a better growth mindset to teach and provide guidance to students.

“Alhamdulillah, this year we still have the opportunity in the Lecturer Mengabdi Innovation programme to hold a workshop on motivation and growth mindset. Recently, the enthusiasm of teachers in private vocational schools has declined. Therefore, to rejuvenate the spirit is very relevant to the holding of this activity,” he said.

According to one of the teachers, Deny Prihasanti, the material provided was very useful. Educator motivation and innovation can foster a spirit of professionalism for teachers and staff, competency certification for vocational students is needed as a provision and preparation for graduates. “Hopefully next year we will still be given the opportunity to provide assistance,” she said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)