IPB University Lecturers Introduce Innovation Technology and Family Financial Management for Fishermen

IPB University Lecturers Introduce Innovation Technology and Family Financial Management for Fishermen

Dosen IPB University Kenalkan Teknologi Inovasi dan Manajemen Keuangan Keluarga untuk Nelayan

IPB University lecturers through the Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi 2023 program, successfully carried out Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities with the theme “Community Empowerment of Capture Fisheries Fishermen in Tegal Regency”. In the FGD, there were two main topics, namely financial management of fishermen’s families and fishing aids for lights and FADs.

This activity was held at the Larangan Beach Fishing Port, Munjung Agung Village, Kramat District, Tegal Regency. The 2023 Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi 2023 team in Tegal Regency was led by Dr Roza Yusfiandayani, a lecturer at the Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP). This activity also synergized with the Indonesian Fisheries Bachelor Association (ISPIKANI) and the Tegal Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappedalitbang).

The Head of Sub Division of Administration (TU) of the Coastal Fisheries Port (PPP) Larangan, Mr. Wartono, S.H, welcomed the arrival of the IPB University team because it helped empower fishermen at PPP Larangan.

“This FGD is considered very important and useful for prohibition fishermen, knowing that tools are an important point in fishing and family financial management that is needed by fishing families,” he said.

He explained that the participants who attended the FGD activities totaled 60 people, with 41 fishermen and 19 fishermen’s wives. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the activity by focusing on listening and being responsive during the FGD.

The FGD was also attended by Bapeddalitbang of Tegal Regency, Dr Atdi, who thanked IPB University for supporting one of Bapeddalitbang’s goals, namely the welfare of Tegal Regency fishermen.

“I hope that in the future, there can be cooperation between Bapeddalitbang, ISPIKANI, the port and IPB University in developing innovative technology of fishing aids and financial management for the welfare of Tegal Regency fishermen,” said Dr Atdi.

Dr Roza Yusfiandayani, accompanied by other members namely, Prof Mohammad Imron, Prof Eko Sri Wiyono, and Prof Domu Simbolon and accompanied by assistants and students, namely Muhamad Reza Raihan, Adrul Rahmad, Tiara and Kasab Toharo from the PSP Department of IPB University. (*/Lp)