IPB University Lecturers and Students Conduct Training on Nutmeg Waste Processing into Syrup and Candied Products

IPB University Lecturers and Students Conduct Training on Nutmeg Waste Processing into Syrup and Candied Products

Dosen dan Mahasiswa IPB University Adakan Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Pala menjadi Produk Sirup dan Manisan

Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi 2023 is a program organized by the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University. This activity involves lecturers and students from the Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as researchers from the Tropical Biopharmaca Study Center (Trop-BRC) IPB University.

One of the activities of the program is training held in Nagrak District, Sukabumi Regency which has succeeded in creating innovative products. The activity was attended by the Women Farmers Group (KWT) of Nagrak District on 2-3/12.

Dr Waras Nurcholis, chairman of the Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi, said that the nutmeg processing process starts with distillation of nutmeg to produce high-value nutmeg essential oil.

“The nutmeg boiled water is used to make nutmeg syrup. Meanwhile, the dregs of the nutmeg distillation residue are processed into paladang sweets, while the nutmeg boiled water can be used as a nutmeg syrup drink that is of high value and environmentally friendly,” said Dr Waras.

He continued, so far the nutmeg oil distillation waste in the form of pulp and cooking water has not been explored for its potential.

“With this training, it is hoped that the community can better understand the potential of nutmeg waste and utilize it optimally,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ulfiatun Nisa, a student of IPB University who participated in the training, hoped that with this training the community would understand the potential of waste and be able to utilize it into useful and even economically valuable products such as candied paladang and nutmeg syrup. (*/Lp) (IAAS/ANF)