IPB University Graduate School Receives Visit from Unsoed, Discussing the Implementation and Management of Study Programs

IPB University Graduate School Receives Visit from Unsoed, Discussing the Implementation and Management of Study Programs

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Terima Kunjungan Unsoed, Bahas Penyelenggaraan dan Pengelolaan Prodi

The Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University received a visit from the Postgraduate Program of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) at the SPs Building of IPB University Bogor (5/12). The visit from Unsoed discussed the implementation and management of study programs (Prodi) at SPs IPB University.

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Resources, Cooperation, and Development in her speech said that about two years ago, SPs IPB University had restructured academic services. Currently, the management of monodisciplinary and oligo-disciplinary programs is carried out by their respective faculties, while multidisciplinary programs are managed by SPs IPB University.

“There are six multidisciplinary programs managed by SPs IPB University, namely the Agromaritime Logistics Program (LOG), Small and Medium Industrial Development (MPI), Primatology (PRM), Biotechnology (BTK), Natural Resource and Environmental Management Science (PSL) and Professional Engineer Program (PPI),” she said.

Prof Titi explained that currently SPs IPB University is the coordinator of quality assurance in all faculties for all students. Management of new student admissions and management of educational scholarship cooperation is also a task carried out by SPs IPB University. This is so that coordination with cooperation partners that have been formed can be well established.

“Currently SPs IPB University has 56 master programs and 43 doctoral programs. We open new student registration in two periods in the odd semester and even semester and have three types of entry paths, namely regular paths, special implementation, and by research, “she explained.

Meanwhile, Prof Ismoyowati, Vice Director for Academic and Student Affairs of the Unsoed Postgraduate Program expressed his gratitude for being accepted by SPs IPB University. The purpose of visiting SPs IPB University is in the context of managing study programs, especially multidisciplinary study programs, and promotions that have been carried out by SPs IPB to increase the number of new students and manage students so that they can graduate on time.

“From this visit, we hope there will be an initiation of cooperation that can be carried out with SPs IPB University both for learning activities, academics, and more intensive collaboration. Especially the tri dharma of higher education and SPs IPB University is pleased to be the supervisor of the Unsoed postgraduate program so that it can be even better, “she added.

The event continued with a discussion with explanations from Prof Hadi Susilo Arifin, Chairperson of the PSL Masters Study Program, Deasy Kartika Rahayu Koncoro, Secretary of the PPI Study Program, Dr Irma H Suparto, Secretary of the PRM Study Program related to information on multidisciplinary programs at SPs IPB University. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)