IPB University Forestry Product Department Students Educate High School Students on the Importance of Forestry Education

IPB University Forestry Product Department Students Educate High School Students on the Importance of Forestry Education

Mahasiswa Departemen Teknologi Hasil Hutan IPB University Edukasi Siswa SMA Pentingnya Pendidikan Kehutanan
Student Insight EN

Students from the Department of Forestry Products, Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University held a forestry outreach activity at SMART Ekselensia Indonesia, attended by 15 students online, which was carried out by three students from the Department of Forest Products, IPB University, on Saturday, 23/12.

This outreach activity is called “Fahutan Goes To School” which is always held every year and has the aim of motivating SMA/SMK/equivalent students who are expected to be interested in becoming students at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University and educating students about the importance of forestry education.

Chair of the Forest Management Department, Dr Soni Trison, said that there are still many people who do not fully understand the importance of forestry education. Therefore, this activity is a strategic step to raise awareness among the public, especially high school/vocational school/level students.

“In order to achieve this goal, we have prepared an informative presentation regarding critical aspects of forestry, the prospects for forestry graduates, and the innovations needed to address forestry conditions in Indonesia. This presentation is equipped with audiovisuals and educational materials to facilitate students’ understanding,” said Dr Soni.

He continued, there was an interactive discussion session where students could share views and questions about forestry. By using a participatory approach, this activity creates a friendly atmosphere, making the experience not only educational but also enjoyable.

“Through this activity, students succeeded in conveying key messages regarding the importance of forest conservation and the role of students in facing threats that exist in Indonesia, especially in the forest and nature sectors,” he said.

“It is hoped that students will be interested in becoming students at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University, so that there will always be new innovations initiated by students and the “Fahutan Goes To School” activity can continue every year so that students gain an earlier understanding of forest and environmental sustainability, ” said Dr Soni. (*/Lp) (IAAS/RZL)