Improving the Quality of Wood Products, IPB University Lecturers Provide Training to Communities Around the Forest

Improving the Quality of Wood Products, IPB University Lecturers Provide Training to Communities Around the Forest

Tingkatkan Kualitas Produk Kayu, Dosen IPB University Beri Pelatihan kepada Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan

IPB University lecturers through the Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi (DMI) program provided training to communities around the forest at the Cigembor Timber Storage Site (TPK), Inten Jaya Village, Lebak, Banten (26/11). The training entitled Selection of Plus Trees, Seedlings, Cultivation and Control of Sengon Pests.

The people who take part in this activity are members of forest village community organizations (LMDH) or forest farmer groups (KTH). This program collaborates with Perum Perhutani (Forest Management Unit/KPH Banten) and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

DMI Coordinator, Prof Ulfah Juniarti Siregar from the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University provided material regarding selecting plus trees. Bayu Winata, SHut, MSi, Dr Dede J Drajat, and Prof Noor Farikhah Haneda also presented material regarding soil fertility, seeds and sengon pests.

“This material is very important, considering that the demand for sengon wood is still very high, the selling value is also very high. Increasing sengon productivity is very necessary to meet this demand. “It is hoped that this activity by Lecturers Serving Innovation can increase the community’s capacity in cultivating sengon,” said Prof Ulfah.

She added that the role of Perum Perhutani is of course also needed. As the party directly connected with LMDH and KTH, Perhutani has an important role in assisting and guiding the community in cultivating sengon.

“Not only limited to cultivation, Perhutani is expected to be able to guide the community in selling the products it produces,” he said.

The participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity, considering that the participants were the backbone of the family whose source of income was growing sengon. Apart from delivering material, field practice was also carried out in order to improve participants’ abilities in managing sengon.

Even though it was hit by rain, the enthusiasm of the participants did not fade to take part in this activity. Romdon, one of the LMDH members said, “At first I was confused about this topic. “After taking part in this activity, thank God, I was enlightened, especially regarding pest and disease prevention material, because at the place (of planting sengon) I got a lot of pest and disease attacks.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)