Implementation of PKKM, MSP IPB University Students Present Blue Carbon Knowledge Application Project

Implementation of PKKM, MSP IPB University Students Present Blue Carbon Knowledge Application Project

Implementasi PKKM, Mahasiswa MSP IPB University Paparkan Proyek Penerapan Pengetahuan Blue Carbon

In a series of implementation of the Independent Campus Competitive Program (PKKM), the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University held an Expo and Scientific Forum on Blue Carbon. This activity was held at the IPB International Convention Center Bogor, on 14/12.

The activity was attended by students of the MSP Department who had just completed Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) Thematic for three months on Tidung Island, Pari Island, Pramuka Island, and Mangrove Ecotourism in Brebes.

Chairman of the MSP Department of IPB University, Prof Hefni Effendi explained that in this activity as many as 12 student groups presented project activities in applying knowledge about blue carbon. The project was visualized in the form of direct exposure, posters and creative videos.

“During this MBKM activity, students get empirical experience working in the field so that they can interact with government agencies, the business world and the industrial world as well as the community,” he said.

He continued, knowledge about blue carbon produced by students in these activities includes the calculation of blue carbon stock and emission of mangrove and seagrass ecosystems, determination of mangrove and seagrass community structure, determination of fish community structure around mangroves and seagrass beds and so on.

“During the MBKM, students get empirical experience such as working in the field so that they can interact with government agencies, the business world and the industrial world to the community,” he said.

Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Prof Deni Noviana said, “This MBKM activity is very good for honing the ability to work in the field and interact with various stakeholders so that it will improve the main performance indicators of IPB University related to MBKM,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dean of FPIK, Prof Fredinan Yulianda explained that the science of blue carbon is currently receiving more attention, given its potential role in carbon sequestration.

“The selection of the topic of blue carbon in the Thematic MBKM, shows the futuristic and visionary MSP lecturers in reading the current trend regarding blue carbon which is currently globalizing,” said Prof Fredinan. (IAAS/SHY)