FPIK IPB University and Unram Agreed to Collaborate to Advance Fisheries and Maritime Affairs in NTB

FPIK IPB University and Unram Agreed to Collaborate to Advance Fisheries and Maritime Affairs in NTB

FPIK IPB University dan Unram Sepakat Jalin Kerja Sama Majukan Perikanan dan Kelautan di NTB

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University and three faculties from the University of Mataram (Unram), namely the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) officially signed a cooperation agreement.

The main aim of this collaboration is to increase collaboration and knowledge exchange between the two institutions. The signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was carried out by Prof Fredinan Yulianda as Dean of FPIK IPB University and Dr Syamsul Bahri Agus, Chair of the Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK).

Unram Vice Rector I, Prof Sitti Hilyana, revealed that collaboration with IPB University had actually been carried out previously in various fields. However, the focus of the collaboration initiated this time is more specifically on the fisheries and marine sectors.

“This collaboration is very important to strengthen the education system. Starting from research, community service, especially Tri Dharma, it can be implemented well through collaboration with parties who started this field earlier,” said Prof Hilyana during the MoU signing ceremony in the Unram Senate Room, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

On this occasion, Prof Fredinan Yulianda, Dean of FPIK IPB University called this collaboration a strategic step. IPB University, with its close network and involvement with central government, will provide Unram access to national resources, policies and initiatives.

More than that, he said, IPB University is also committed to supporting the development of science and technology in the field of fisheries and marine affairs.

“This collaboration is based on mutual interests in the fisheries and marine sectors. “The sea in NTB has quite large potential, and this cooperation covers various aspects, including capture fisheries, cultivation and marine tourism,” he said.

Prof Fredinan also mentioned that Unram could be a place for internships and practice for IPB University students as well as help fulfill the demands of the Freedom of Leading – Independence Campus (MBKM) curriculum.

Dr Syamsul Bahri Agus added, this collaboration is integrated in the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) of the IPB University ITK Department. This aims to build and enrich the Ocean Knowledge Hub (OKHub) platform, an initiative that has been built over two years of PKKM implementation.

“With this collaboration, it is hoped that the development of OKHub can continue as an important breakthrough for IPB University in developing the fisheries and marine sector in Indonesia,” he added.

One of the focuses of this agreement is handling current issues in NTB Province, especially the rise of aquaculture investment in Lombok. The two institutions will synergize in research and development to understand the impact of this investment on the environment, economy and local communities.

The creation of a joint field station is also included in this cooperation agenda. This is expected to become a center for research and development activities in the field of fisheries and marine affairs.

By signing this agreement, it is hoped that the collaboration between FPIK IPB University and three Unram faculties will bring great benefits to both parties.

More than that, it is hoped that it will also make a positive contribution to the development of science and community empowerment in NTB Province, especially in the fields of fisheries and marine affairs. (IQB/RAT/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)