Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi Assists Purwasari Village Residents in Biofloc Method Tilapia Enlargement Technique

Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi Assists Purwasari Village Residents in Biofloc Method Tilapia Enlargement Technique

Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi Dampingi Warga Desa Purwasari Teknik Pembesaran Ikan Nila Metode Bioflok

A team of IPB University lecturers from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) provided assistance to tilapia fish farmers in Purwasari Village, Bogor, West Java. The activity took place in the village gazebo and the location of the enlargement pond.

This assistance was carried out as a follow-up to the training and practice of tilapia enlargement in cultivation ponds with the biofloc method that had been carried out previously.

The mentoring activity was attended by a team of lecturers from FPIK IPB University, namely Julia Eka Astarini, SPi, MSi; Dr Mia Setiawati; Fajar Maulana, SPi, MSi; and Wildan Nurussalam, SPi, MSi.

Team leader, Julia Eka Astarini, said that from this assistance, it is known that the residents have put into practice the knowledge gained from the previous training. The pond water has started to form flocs, which indicates that the biofloc method is good.

In general, this community service activity in Purwasari Village is also in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDGs 8, namely decent work and economic growth.

“We hope that with this community service activity in Purwasari Village, residents will realise and develop their village according to their potential optimally. Hopefully, this activity can encourage all villagers to improve their welfare and even open up productive employment opportunities for villagers,” he hoped.

The Chief of Purwasari Village, M Yusup Mustopa, also hoped that residents who apply the training and practice of tilapia enlargement will later become examples for other villagers. He does not want many participants but no change.

“It’s better for a few people to experience changes so that they can become examples for other villagers,” Yusuf said. He is also very excited about the biofloc method innovation presented because it strengthens his mission to make Purwasari Village a tilapia centre village. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)