30.6 Percent of Students in West Java Experience Bullying, IPB University Students Educate with This Game

The rise of bullying cases has become news that worries various parties. According to a survey by IPB University student M Ficky Haris Ardiansyah and the Ruber Academy team, as many as 30.6 per cent of junior-high school students in West Java have experienced bullying cases. In fact, as many as 9.9 per cent of students have been bullied for years.
The harmful impact of bullying cases requires preventive measures that must be pursued together. In line with this determination, Ficky along with other IPB University students from Pondok Inspirasi, namely Apriyani, Mega and Arlan participated in Anti Bullying activities together with PT Paragon Corp.
The activity is a CSR programme of Paragonian Bergerak. Through this activity, IPB University students introduced the anti-bullying board games ‘The Adventure of Si Bakat’ and ‘Buddy Pekerti’ to students.
The programme was initiated by the Nurhayati Subakat Entrepreneurship Institute (NSEI) team and Beneva Paragon Corp who collaborated with Pondok Inspirasi and several IPB University students to hold activities in response to concerns about bullying that is increasingly rampant among Indonesian children and adolescents.
“The Adventure of Si Bakat and Buddy Pekerti is a board game specially designed by Ruber Innovation Lab together with IPB University students from Pondok Inspirasi,” said Ficky.
The board game was created with the concept of combining coaching with Daniel Goleman’s emotional intelligence theory and Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory. The coaching method is known as an intimate conversation that is able to maximise the potential within oneself in order to achieve the desired goals.
The Anti Bullying Programme was held in four different locations, namely Graha Yatim Orphanage, Domyadhu Foundation, Pondok Yatim and Dhuafa Srengseng, South Jakarta (15/12) and Taruna Andigha High School in the Student Paradigm event, Bogor City (16/12) with the participation of more than 200 students in the Jabodetabek area.
One of IPB University’s students from the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Arlan expressed his extraordinary impression when the Anti Bullying activity was held.
“The activity is very memorable because it is rarely implemented playing games that are made by themselves and then applied in orphanages and schools to prevent bullying cases,” he said.
It is hoped that the implementation of this programme can prevent bullying cases in the future so that no more students become victims. “Hopefully this game can be a lesson for students to fight bullying from themselves and in the surrounding environment,” explained Arlan.
Not only the organisers, the participants were also very enthusiastic when playing the board game “The Adventure of the Talented” and “Buddy Pekerti”.
“It was really fun, a new experience for me to play games like Buddy Pekerti. The good thing I got through this game is that I can be more open,” explained Dias Farhanah, a student of SMAN 2 Depok.
According to her, the board game also made her more aware of listening and understanding other people’s points of view. For example, it is not easy to think negatively about others, but rather to listen to their stories first.
“Hopefully games like this can be experienced by friends out there so that we can understand each other,” she hoped.
Paragon Corp as a socially committed company also expressed to always be part of the solution in creating a better educational environment in Indonesia. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)