UPT Pertanian Leuwiliang and Farmers Visit ATP IPB University

UPT Pertanian Leuwiliang and Farmers Visit ATP IPB University

UPT Pertanian Leuwiliang Bersama Para Petani Kunjungi ATP IPB University

Recently, the Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP) of IPB University received a visit from the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Leuwiliang Agriculture together with farmers. The visit was in the context of socializing entrepreneurship/partnership of farmer business actors.

In addition, this activity became a means for UPT delegates and farmers to gain further insight into the latest agricultural technology. The group was taken around to visit various facilities at ATP, including greenhouses, plant factories and openfields.

Supervisor of Agromaritime Services, Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development of IPB University, Danang Aria Nugroho, SE, MSi gave an explanation of the mechanism of cooperation between farmers and ATP. He also mentioned the agricultural technology applied at ATP.

“Discussions between UPT delegates and farmers open up space for the exchange of experiences and ideas, while creating collaboration opportunities that have the potential to lift the welfare of farmers,” he said.

In addition, Danang said, the visit is expected to inspire the implementation of similar technologies in the Leuwiliang area to support the growth of the agricultural sector in a sustainable manner.

The farmers who participated in the visit welcomed the opportunity. They appreciated UPT Pertanian Leuwiliang’s efforts in providing this kind of opportunity to expand knowledge and skills, bringing a positive impact on local agricultural development.

“This activity is expected to be the first step towards wider application of innovations and farming partnerships in supporting agriculture in Leuwiliang,” said Danang. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)