Through GCI and Sorinfer Innovations, Prof Luki Abdullah Achieves 1st Place in Agricultural Academic Leaders Category

Through GCI and Sorinfer Innovations, Prof Luki Abdullah Achieves 1st Place in Agricultural Academic Leaders Category

Lewat Inovasi GCI dan Sorinfer, Prof Luki Abdullah Raih Juara 1 Academic Leaders Bidang Pertanian

Prof Luki Abdullah, a lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Sciences at IPB University, has been awarded the first prize in the Agricultural Academic Leaders category for the year 2023. Two innovations, namely Green Concentrate Indigofera (GCI) and Sorinfer, successfully earned him the Academic Leaders award for 2023.

The GCI and Sorinfer innovations not only serve as pillars for the development of knowledge in the field of green feed when developed, but they also become valuable learning resources for students and the community.

“Both innovations create scientific breakthroughs and serve as a driving force to boost entrepreneurship spirit among students and the community when recognized as innovations with positive impacts,” he explained.

Prof Luki revealed that both GCI and Sorinfer innovations have obtained Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection. “In 2019, GCI obtained IPR in the form of a patent. Meanwhile, Sorinfer in 2022 received recognition through IPR in the form of a trademark with IDM000969395,” he said.

He outlined the research roadmap for local feed as a source of protein and energy, starting with the exploration of the potential of Indigofera plants as a primary source of protein. Through continuous steps, the development focus shifted to GCI, which became the main basis for creating innovative feed products for ruminant and non-ruminant animals.

“The downstream efforts of GCI products and the development of the GCI industry are the next strategic steps,” he explained.

Prof Luki continued that in-depth studies on the role of sorghum as an energy source for feed paved the way for the development of complete feed products through the fermentation process. In this context, Sorinfer was downstreamed with an emphasis on market expansion in the ‘Sorinfer Goes Market’ program.

“All these steps form a strong framework to establish a complete green feed industry cluster and create a competitive ecosystem,” he emphasized.

Prof Luki hopes that his participation in this event can make a real contribution to IPB University and society. Furthermore, he hopes to be an inspiration for young lecturers to continue contributing more effectively.

“Participating in this event is also seen as an opportunity for self-development, as Academic Leader participants are required to meet the criteria as lecturers who have a positive influence in the research, innovation, and higher education ecosystem,” said Prof Luki. (IAAS/Hap)