The Splendour of IPB University’s 60th Anniversary Grand Reunion

The Splendour of IPB University’s 60th Anniversary Grand Reunion

Semarak Reuni Akbar 60 Tahun IPB University

As a gathering event, the Alumni Association (HA) IPB University held the inauguration of the opening of the 60-year grand reunion of IPB University which was attended by alumni from various generations. The grand reunion also featured the work and contribution of alumni in Indonesia and the world in the form of exhibitions, bazaars and programme launching. The event was held on 25/11 at Sentul International Convention Centre (SICC), Bogor.

Chairman of the Committee, Dr Luhur Budijarso said that IPB University alumni must continue to be enthusiastic about working and contributing not only to Indonesia but also to the world. The theme taken by the grand reunion is by displaying the work of innovation and legacy of all autonomous bodies, organs in IPB University and alumni associations through 95 tenants.

“Hopefully this activity can be a forum for all alumni and our seniors to be able to meet, gather and work together. Hopefully this event can be memorable and can provide reinforcement for agro maritime development in Indonesia,” said Dr Luhur.

Dr Bambang Hendroyono, Chairman of the Sere Committee (SC) of the Grand Reunion, said “This grand reunion activity will display various innovations from the hard work of the alumni association to show the commitment of IPB University which is in line with the theme of the grand reunion, namely the Contribution of IPB and Alumni to Indonesia and the World,” he explained.

He also invited guests and visitors to attend the peak night of the grand reunion to show that this activity can get the attention of alumni and uphold the management of HA IPB University until whenever.

Meanwhile, Dr Walneg S Jas, Chairman of the Central Leadership Council (DPP) of HA IPB University said that this event was carried out thanks to the cooperation of all IPB University alumni stakeholders. “Without this cooperation it is impossible for this event to be carried out, for that I really appreciate and thank the alumni both in government institutions, private institutions, multinational institutions, BUMN, and so on who support the implementation of this event,” said Dr Walneg.

He continued, on the peak night three major programmes will be launched. Firstly, the White Book, which is a contribution of ideas for a golden Indonesia 2045. Second, the Senior Green Living programme, a green villa with its agro-tourism business that becomes a passive income. Third, the Waqf Deposit programme, the return on deposits that are endowed for scholarships for IPB University students.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof Tridoyo Kusumastanto who was present at the event said, “IPB University has grown rapidly thanks to the support of the alumni. In 2028 we have planned that IPB University will become a Sustainable Global University so we expect the support and contribution of the alumni to be our strength,” he said.

Mayor of Bogor, Dr Bima Arya Sugiarto proudly expressed his appreciation for IPB University’s work at local, national and international levels. IPB University is part of most of the research and innovations conducted by the city government. At the international level, IPB University has organised various collaborations with foreign universities and foreign embassies.

“I express my gratitude for the synergy and collaboration between IPB University and the Bogor city government. As a citizen, let me express my pride in the great name of IPB University which currently colours the world of international academics,” said the Mayor of Bogor.

Rector of IPB, Prof Arif Satria, congratulated and appreciated the alumni of IPB University for organising this extraordinary event. He continued, without the presence of HHA, IPB University would not develop as it is now.

“IPB University strives to encourage transformative education and research that brings progress and change. We will continue to encourage innovations at IPB University to be able to have an impact on change and progress, one of which is an innovation exhibition that can be proof that IPB University alumni are the pillars of agro maritime Indonesia,” said Prof Arif. (Lp) (IAAS/RUM)