The Postgraduate Student Forum of IPB University Conducts National Discussion Forum and Invites Menko PMK RI
Located in the Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus, the Postgraduate (SPs) Student Forum at IPB University held the ‘National Discussion Forum 2023’. The results of this collaboraton with the Executive Student Body (BEM) of IPB University was attended by around 300 participants. The participants came from different backgrounds, consisting of multristrata students from various study program in IPB University.
The SPs Dean of IPB Univerisity, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat in his opening speech mentions that, “Health, energy, and the environment is considered a unity of science that is very much describes IPB. Adding to that, starting this year, IPB University opens its very own medical school. Our concept is indeed integrating human, animal and environmental health,”
“This is actually the concept of the World Health Organization (WHO), one health, which explains that the human health cannot be separated from animal and environmental health. In truth, we are preparing ourselves to survive in the future,” explains Prof Dodik.
According to the Vice Rector of IPB University for the Education and Student Affairs field, Prof drh Deni Noviana, this discussion forum is conducted as one of the non-academic activities that strongly supports the enhancement of students’ insights. It is hoped that there will be valuable contributions, particularly in the development of human resources (SDM).
“For activities like this, it is certainly not only for students but also one of the work programs of the IPB University Postgraduate Forum that involves undergraduate students very effectively,” he added.
This discussion forum featured speakers such as Prof H Muhadjir Effendy (Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture), Dr Djoko Siswanto (Secretary General of the National Energy Council), Edy Nugroho Santoso (Director of Land Damage Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry), and Edi Wibowo, ST, MT (Director of Bioenergy, Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources).
“In the year 2045, Indonesia will enter an era where humans are directed towards achieving human resources who are hardworking, dynamic, productive, skilled, proficient in knowledge and technology, supported by industry collaboration and global talent,” expressed Prof Muhadjir.
With that in mind, he stated that this is reflected in the 4 pillars of the Vision of Indonesia 2045 ‘Indonesia Maju’ as a reference for realizing the nation’s aspirations. These pillars are to realize Indonesia as a sovereign, independent, and distinctive nation, serving as a guide for every step of the government in running the wheels of governance. (HR/Rz) (IAAS/ZRT)