The LKST IPB University Enhances the Capacity of Startup CEOs through Capacity Building

The LKST IPB University Enhances the Capacity of Startup CEOs through Capacity Building

Tingkatkan Kapasitas Para CEO Startup, LKST IPB University Buat Capacity Building

The Institute for Science and Technology Area (LKST) at IPB University organized the Capacity Building event for the Business Incubation Startup program PRIME STeP 2023 at Cevilly Resort and Camp, Bogor. The event took place over two days (18-19/11) and was attended by 14 startup teams and 14 business incubation mentors from LKST IPB University.

Deva Primadia, SPi, MSi, Assistant in the Business Incubation Department at LKST IPB University, stated that the main goal of this event is to enhance familiarity, cohesion, and collaboration among startups, mentors, and business incubators. Additionally, the event aims to facilitate the sharing of experiences and advice related to the startup world among the participants.

The Capacity Building activities included presentations by speakers on building effective communication, sharing sessions among startups, mentors, and business incubators, discussions, and outbound team-building activities.

Prof Rokhani Hasbullah, Vice Director of LKST IPB University in the Business Incubation and Industrial Partnership Department, expressed hope that the capacity-building event would run smoothly. Through this capacity building, the skills of participating startups are expected to improve. He also emphasized the importance of effective team collaboration and good human resource management in the startup world.

Meanwhile, Prof Erika Budiarti Laconi, the Chairman of LKST IPB University, highlighted the ongoing changes in the business incubation program at STP to continuously improve in the future. “We encourage startups to seize this opportunity for development, build solidarity, and collaborate with each other,” added Prof Erika.

During the sharing session, startups participating in the PRIMESTeP Incubation Program, which had reached Series A (Fishlog) and was approaching Pra-Series A (Lokasoka), shared their experiences regarding tips and tricks in scaling up business, developing collaborations, and obtaining funding from investors such as angel investors or venture capitalists.

According to Fishlog CEO, Bayu Anggara, the most crucial aspect for a startup to grow and secure Venture Capital partners is to “Build Trust.” As a startup, the trust given by clients and partners must be consistently maintained.

“Among other things, this can be achieved through continuous improvement in the quality of business service systems and the implementation of good and accountable financial reporting systems,” he added.

Furthermore, Larasati, CEO of Lokasoka, emphasized that startups must be ready and open to collaboration with various parties. Therefore, startups must be adept at selecting potential partners or investors. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)