Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, IPB University is Ready to Increase Rice Production through the Innovation Village Program

In his audience to the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) together with the Alumni Association (HA) IPB University (21/11), the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University, Prof. Suryo Wiyono explained the Innovation Village program. The program has been implemented for two years in Kiarasari Village, Compreng District, Subang Regency, West Java.
“Kampung Inovasi is a program to apply modern technology in rice cultivation on an area scale. Starting from tillage, planting, control of plant pest organisms, harvesting, to post-harvesting,” said Prof Suryo.
In addition to the application of modern technology, the program also strengthens farmers’ institutions. This model has been tested with the assistance of IPB University experts and students since 2020.
In its implementation, the Kampung Inovasi program involves various parties, namely the Subang Regency Agriculture Office, HA IPB Subang Regency, SMK Negeri 2 Subang Regency and CV Sari Bumi Nusantara.
In his speech, the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Dr Andi Amran Sulaiman, stated that he would support the application of the model on a wider scale. It was agreed that the model will be applied in an area of 500 hectares in the December 2023 planting season with a production target of 10 tons per hectare. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)