Silver Reunion of AGB 35 IPB University Supports Landslide Disaster Mitigation

Silver Reunion of AGB 35 IPB University Supports Landslide Disaster Mitigation

Reuni Perak AGB 35 IPB University Dukung Mitigasi Bencana Longsor

Alumni of the Agribusiness Department (AGB) IPB University class 35 collaborated with and the Cianten Circle Association to plant 60 rasamala trees. The number of trees is a symbol of AGB 35 at the 25th Reunion and 60th Anniversary of IPB University.

The activity was carried out to support the critical land restoration program of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park in the Purasari Village area, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, West Java (11/11).

“This tree planting is one of the activities of the Silver Reunion of AGB 35 IPB University in the environmental field. In accordance with the theme of the reunion activity, namely Back to Bogor, this activity is a form of concern for AGB 35 alumni for environmental conditions in the area around the IPB University Campus,” explained Hendra Toulanyo, one of the alumni representatives.

This activity, he said, is also expected to provide benefits to the community around the location, including anticipation of landslides and providing alternative income as labor for the planting program. In addition, the planted trees will also function as carbon sinks and reduce emissions from various human activities.

The tree planting activity involved 3 local people and 8 volunteers who were IPB University students from various batches. The planting location is an area prone to landslides.

After planting, there will be plant maintenance activities including aeration, fertilization and replanting. In addition, monitoring will be carried out in the third month, sixth month and twelfth month to assess the success rate of plant life and the growth of plant height and diameter periodically. (HTG/Rz) (IAAS/SHY)