Road to 60 Year Grand Reunion, Ready to Show off the Contribution and Legacy of IPB University Alumni

Road to 60 Year Grand Reunion, Ready to Show off the Contribution and Legacy of IPB University Alumni

Road to Reuni Akbar 60 Tahun, Siap Pamerkan Kontribusi dan Legacy Alumni IPB University

Approaching the biggest alumni reunion in Indonesia, IPB University held a Webinar Road to the 60th Grand Reunion of IPB University with the theme ‘Contribution of IPB and Alumni to Indonesia and the World’, Wednesday (8/11).

The webinar is an effort to educate IPB University alumni about the importance of attending this Grand Reunion. This Grand Reunion Momentum is not only dedicated to rejoicing, but also as a form of contribution from IPB University alumni towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Dr Walneg S Jas, General Chair of the Central Management Board of the Alumni Association (DPP HA) of IPB University said, “We want to make the best possible use of this Grand Reunion to continue the legacy trail at the peak of alumni consolidation,” he said.

“By showing the best work, achievements and legacy of alumni as well as contributing the thoughts and ideas of IPB University alumni in the form of a white paper regarding agro maritime sovereignty towards a Golden Indonesia 2045,” he explained.

Prof. Arif Satria, Chancellor of IPB University, said that up to now more than 3,200 participants have registered from the target of 15,000 participants. He hopes that the number of registrants will continue to increase and reach the target.

“If it meets the target, this reunion event will be the biggest in Indonesia. “This moment is very appropriate to exhibit and promote the work of IPB University alumni from various places,” he concluded.

According to him, the enthusiasm of alumni at this Grand Reunion can become the strength of the alumni network which can be capitalised on and encouraged to continue to develop.

“This event is not just a reunion, but is the strength of the alumni network which comes from positive energy to strengthen each other so that IPB University becomes stronger and more successful and able to contribute to the nation and state,” he continued.

During the event, Dr Walneg also informed that in the remaining 17 days, event promotion needs to continue to be intensified, especially through social media.

Currently, 103 event booths in the form of culinary bazaar stands and alumni work have been filled. Even some of the alumni who registered as booth fillers could not be accommodated because of the extraordinary enthusiasm of IPB University alumni. Apart from the culinary bazaar, there are fundraising seminars and musical performances.

“This Grand Reunion promotion must continue to be broadcast so that it can become a forum for strengthening the IPB University alumni network. “We have also prepared a strategy so that the alumni’s work gets lots of attention by targeting at least 5,000 visitors per day,” he explained.

During the reunion, it was planned to launch the IPB Alumni White Paper. The book contains the ideas of IPB University alumni for Golden Indonesia 2045 which was coordinated by Prof. Bustanul Arifin. The focus of this book is strategic ideas for education, national development planning, and other fields in the agro maritime direction.

The plan is that the book will also be given to the 2024 Indonesian presidential candidates and a dissemination series will be held until the 2024 election ends. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/AMR).