Realizing Strengthening the Integrity of PTN Ecosystem, KPK and IPB University Hold Conflict of Interest Workshop

Realizing Strengthening the Integrity of PTN Ecosystem, KPK and IPB University Hold Conflict of Interest Workshop

Wujudkan Penguatan Integritas Ekosistem PTN, KPK dan IPB University Lokakarya Konflik Kepentingan

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and IPB University held a Conflict of Interest Workshop in order to realize the strengthening of the integrity of the public university ecosystem (PTN). In the workshop, KPK will assist IPB University which focuses on the area of goods procurement and cooperation.

Jermia Djati, Chairman of the Education Network Empowerment Task Force in his remarks said that this activity was the beginning of a long-term and sustainable initiative in strengthening the area of goods and services procurement and cooperation management at IPB University.

“Assistance from the KPK to universities is in the form of capacity building and workshops in accordance with the areas to be strengthened,” she said during the workshop at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor (8/11).

Previously, IPB University had carried out an independent mapping with instruments that had been formulated by the Working Group for Strengthening the Integrity of the PTN Ecosystem (PIEPTN). Based on the independent mapping, the PIEPTN team has determined the priority areas of integrity strengthening, namely conflict of interest management with a focus area on the procurement of goods and management of cooperation.

“This activity is an effort to help university leaders related to ecosystem integrity in higher education. They will get tools related to the focus they want to do to strengthen the ecosystem,” added Jermia.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana expressed his gratitude for the implementation of this workshop. This is done in an effort to ensure that the existing business processes in higher education run better.

“Strengthening in the focus area of goods procurement and cooperation management is important. Especially in terms of procurement of goods, IPB University will get a large amount of additional funds for laboratory procurement next year,” he explained.

In addition, in relation to cooperation, Prof Deni said that IPB University currently has a lot of national and international cooperation, both with the private sector and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). All of them have different cooperation characters. For this reason, the implementation requires strengthening.

The guest speaker was Timothy Hendrik Partohap, KPK Monitoring Directorate. He said that all public institutions must have rules related to handling conflicts of interest. “Why is this important, because it has an impact on decreasing public trust,” he said.

Also present was a resource person from Transparency International Indonesia, Wawan Suyatmiko. In the workshop, he explained the results of research on basic service institutions. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)