Prof Ujang Sumarwan Appreciates International Seminar and Community Service Activities

Prof Ujang Sumarwan Appreciates International Seminar and Community Service Activities

Prof Ujang Sumarwan Apresiasi Kegiatan Seminar dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Internasional

The second International Seminar and the first International Community Service were jointly organized by the Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics Association (MACFEA) and the Asian Association of Consumer Interests and Marketing (AACIM). This activity was carried out at Airlangga University on 15-17/11, collaborating with various well-known campuses in Indonesia and Malaysia.

This seminar raised the theme “Managing New Market Opportunities for Enhancing Business Performances & Better Well-Being of Families & Consumers”. Apart from seminars, a discussion forum was also held on the potential for collaboration between Indonesian and Malaysian researchers which was followed by international community service activities in an effort to help improve the economy of MSMEs in the Dolly ex-localization, Surabaya.

The President of AACIM, Prof Ujang Sumarwan, who is also a Lecturer at the Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA), IPB University, said that the international seminars and international community service that were held were running very well. Researchers and academics from Malaysia and Indonesia share information about the latest research.

“This seminar forum is a very important forum for building collaboration between Malaysia and Indonesia. “The seminar ended by agreeing on a joint research agenda between Malaysian and Indonesian researchers,” said Ujang.

He continued, the activity organizing team’s commitment to ensure the seminar event’s success was truly extraordinary. Their meticulous planning, organizational skills, and hard work have been instrumental in organizing a smooth and informative seminar that enriched the knowledge and experience of all participants.

Dr Gancar C Premananto, chairman of the international activities committee, said that the activities were held as an effort to improve the quality of education and research. This activity serves as a forum for creative leaders, academics, professionals, and community service activists to gather, share insights, and collaborate in addressing important aspects of our ever-evolving society.

“This activity is specifically for management lecturers as well as being a contribution from the campus world to the world of practitioners and the global world. “So it is important to explore innovative strategies that not only improve business performance but also contribute to the welfare of families and consumers,” he said.

The international seminar invited various expert speakers, namely Dr Mohd. Aminuddin Sham Bin Tajudin, Member of the Putrajaya Corporate Council, Prof Faridah Hj Hassan, MACFEA Advisor, and Associate Prof Dr Fandy Tjiptono from the School of Marketing and International Business at Victoria University of Wellington. (IAAS/Res)