Primatology Study Programme of SPs IPB University Holds Field Trip, Observe Primate Conservation and Animals

Primatology Study Programme of SPs IPB University Holds Field Trip, Observe Primate Conservation and Animals

Program Studi Primatologi SPs IPB University Adakan Field Trip, Amati Konservasi dan Satwa Primata

Primatology Study Program (PRM), Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a field trip to see the conservation and observation of primate animals at Telaga Warna Tourism Park, Bogor Regency (23/11).

This activity was welcomed by the Chairman1 of the West Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency (KSDA), Dr Irawan Asaad and attended by the Chairman of PRM Dr Huda S Darusman, Prof Hadi S Alikodra, Dr Entang Iskandar, several lecturers and students. In addition, the field trip also discussed the implementation of the collaboration between PRM and KSDA, namely the inauguration of the primate research station.

Dr Huda said that the strength of the PRM Study Programme is related to the scientific specialisation by promoting the biological, conservation and biomedical pillars of primate animals. Efforts to preserve primate species must be supported by the cohesiveness of scientific interactions as well as lecturers and students.

“Therefore, this activity can be a medium for applying science and increasing the interaction of primatologists, namely lecturers and prospective primatologists, namely students,” he said.

He explained the purpose of this activity was to get to know the habitat of primates and be able to identify primates found in Telaga Warna Nature Park.

“In addition, our goal is also to apply conservation science in primate animal habitats and can be a place of intimacy between students and teaching lecturers, as well as the promotion of PRM Study Programmes,” he explained.

Dr Huda added that PRM currently offers several registration pathways such as regular pathways and also pathways by research for master’s and doctoral programmes.

“PRM Study Programme is currently preparing the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) pathway, which is the learning achievements obtained both formal, non-formal, informal and work experience for equalisation of education to be taken in PRM Study Programme, so that students can graduate more quickly,” he added.

Meanwhile, Dr Irawan Asaad said that Telaga Warna Nature Park currently has an area of 5 hectares and is a place of education and knowledge that has been greatly developed from before. In addition, there is a 368-hectare nature reserve devoted to the conservation of natural resources.

“We are very happy to be able to receive the PRM Study Program at Telaga Warna Nature Park which has easy access, so we are open to students if they want to do research here,” he said.

He added that the development of research on Telaga Warna Nature Park is eagerly awaited for the development of this area to be even better. Without the support of educational institutions such as IPB University, a conservation area will not develop and cannot carry out a sustainable conservation management strategy.

“We hope that Telaga Warna Tourism Park can become a natural laboratory in the future, especially for primate species such as gibbons, surili, Javan langurs and long-tailed monkeys,” he added.

Currently, the PRM study programme is opening registration for the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, which will begin on 23 October-30 December 2023. Registration information can be found on the page. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)