IPB University’s Faculty of Animal Science Takes Part in the 2023 Sheep Goat Festival

IPB University’s Faculty of Animal Science Takes Part in the 2023 Sheep Goat Festival

Fakultas Peternakan IPB University Ambil Bagian dalam Festival Ternak Domba Kambing 2023

IPB University’s Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) participated in the Sheep Goat and Sheep Agility Festival. The activity was organized by the Bogor Regency Fisheries and Livestock Service (Disanak) together with the Indonesian Sheep-Goat Breeders Association (HPDKI) and several related parties.

Carrying the theme ‘Breeders, Heroes of the Nation’, Faculty of Animal Science IPB University participated in displaying livestock exhibitions, livestock products and innovations. The aim is as a promotional and educational event for the community, especially livestock people, in activities located at the Pakansari GOR Archery Field, Cibinong, Bogor (12/11).

The Fapet booth displaying several products attracted the attention of many visitors. Encon, a breeder from Central Java who now lives in Cibinong, admitted that he was interested in using the innovative feed product of IPB University Faculty of Animal Science.

“The product is very innovative. “I’m interested in trying chicken, lamb and fish,” said the man who is also one of the staff of the Bogor Regency Dinsanak who is active in the fisheries sector.

Ahmad Yusni Yusuf Nasution, a retiree who chose to raise livestock 12 years ago, shared his story when he visited the IPB University Faculty of Animal Science booth. “I have been using Sorinfer for more than a year. “Initially I got information about Sorinfer from YouTube,” he said.

“My formula is Sorinfer, which I mix with tofu dregs and concentrate. “The results are good for my livestock,” said Yusni, his nickname.

Apart from breeders, several visitors from the general public who happened to be exercising were also very interested and looked at IPB University Faculty of Animal Science innovations, including Herbal Mineral Block (HMB), Milk Replacer, maggot and its oil and many more. Many of them are also interested and ask about the study program at FAS IPB University.

Director of the Cibinong Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Yukie Meistisia Anandaputri Satoto, took the time to visit the FAS IPB University booth and expressed her appreciation for IPB University.

“Congratulations of course to the Faculty of Animal Science IPB University. We, Cibinong Regional Hospital, have superior health based health services. “We support human health, which must go hand in hand with animals and the environment,” she explained. (Femmy/Rz) (IAAS/AMR)