IPB University Students Participate in Voicing on Modern Agriculture for Food Independence in the Minister of Agriculture’s National Oration

IPB University Students Participate in Voicing on Modern Agriculture for Food Independence in the Minister of Agriculture’s National Oration

Mahasiswa IPB University Berpartisipasi Suarakan Pertanian Modern untuk Kemandirian Pangan pada Orasi Kebangsaan Menteri Pertanian
Student Insight EN

In celebration of its 46th anniversary, the Indonesian Agronomic Association (Peragi) held a National Discussion. This discussion featured speakers from the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, the Chairman of the Indonesian Food Agency and other speakers who are the pillars of the nation’s agriculture. This activity was held on Tuesday, 21/11 at the Sadikin Sumintawikarta Auditorium, Bogor.

This discussion has the theme “Strengthening Food Diversification as a Strategic Channel towards an Indonesia Without Poverty and Without Hunger”. This theme is interesting to discuss with academics, entrepreneurs and the government.

Latif Hidayatul Ikhsan, Coordinator Minister for Community Service, Student Family Executive Board (BEM KM) IPB University voiced his opinion in the discussion. He said, that with the existence of agricultural concepts from ancestral history until now, Indonesia has been left behind by other countries, even though in the past colonial countries learned a lot from Indonesia.

“Indonesia has extraordinary diversity and potential. Changes in government policy which always change the structure and objectives of agriculture have turned out to be one of the obstacles to Indonesian agriculture which does not stand out in the eyes of the world,” said Latif.

He said that agriculture must have strong pillars so that it is not easily shaken by politics, because agriculture exists for the prosperity of the people.

On the other hand, IPB University Professor, Prof Rachmat Pambudy said “Food diversification must be changed to self-sufficiency in protein and carbohydrates. “So this will change the pattern of society so that they use the resources around them and encourage the increase of local superior products that continue to be innovated,” he said.

Prof Rachmat continued, if this concept can be implemented, in the future Indonesia will become a food independent country. The Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Dr Andi Amran Sulaiman stated, “Indonesia has great potential to increase its agricultural production, because there is still a lot of land that is not yet optimal, such as swamp land which can be accelerated to increase the planting area for rice and corn production in 2024,” said Dr Andi .

Meanwhile, Arief Prasetyo Adi, Chairman of the National Food Agency said, “Our food must continue to grow accompanied by the increasing growth of human resources with the demographic bonus. “The downstream process in the food sector must also continue to be carried out to increase economic value,” he said.

The General Chairperson of Peragi, Prof Andi Muhammad Syakir, said, “Peragi continues to be determined to provide solutions for the Indonesian people in facing the food crisis, especially since Indonesia has the 4th highest population burden in the world,” he said. (*/Lp) (IAAS/MFR)