IPB University Socializes Regulations on Study Tasks and Employee Discipline  

IPB University Socializes Regulations on Study Tasks and Employee Discipline  

IPB University Sosialisasi Peraturan Tugas Belajar dan Disiplin Pegawai

IPB University’s Directorate of Human Resources (HR) together with the HR Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) carried out outreach regarding regulations for study assignments and employee discipline. The socialization was held in the Common Class Room (CCR) Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus (10/11).

Dr Alim Setiawan, Vice Rector of IPB University for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience when opening the event stated that this activity was a form of IPB University’s commitment to improving HR competency. He emphasized that both lecturers and educational staff (tendik) must follow and obtain competency certification. Apart from being an institutional demand, this effort is also to meet key performance indicators (IKU).

“We encourage IPB University human resources to continue their studies. “For those who don’t have a bachelor’s degree, continue to a bachelor’s degree, for those who don’t have a master’s degree, continue with a master’s or doctoral degree,” he said.

“For lecturers, continuing their studies is a mandatory requirement, therefore this socialization is important so that they can be understood,” he said again. Dr Alim appealed to all IPB University residents to understand the details of the new regulations, the mechanism for terms of service, procedures, including sanctions.

Ambar Musyarifah, SP, MAk, Chair of the HR Bureau of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, in her socialization, stated that in accordance with Minister of Education and Culture and Research and Technology Regulation Number 27 of 2022, currently there are no study permits, only study assignments. The basis of learning tasks is the existence of needs based on plans made by each work unit.

In her outreach, zhe explained the types of study assignments, funding for study assignments, age limits, and the requirements for civil servants (PNS) who are eligible for study assignments.

Meanwhile, regarding the socialization of employee discipline, it was conveyed by Rhea Kartikasari Kirana, SH, LLM, Young Expert Personnel Analyst, Personnel Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. She conveyed several rules related to employee discipline, including those based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021, one of which is related to coming to work and obeying working hours.

“PNS can be given a verbal warning sanction for employees who are cumulatively absent from work for three days without a valid reason for one year,” she explained. Furthermore, a written warning can be given if a civil servant is cumulatively absent from work without a valid reason, 4 to 6 days work for one year. “Reprimand for a statement of dissatisfaction if you are absent from work for 7 to 10 working days for one year,” she explained. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)