IPB University Now Has a New Course, Anticorruption Integrity and Culture

IPB University Now Has a New Course, Anticorruption Integrity and Culture

Kini IPB University Miliki Mata Kuliah Baru, Integritas dan Budaya Antikorupsi

The Anti-Corruption Integrity and Culture course will be available at IPB University as part of the Enrichment Course in the K2020 curriculum. On 7/11, this course had been socialized by the vice deans of IPB University.

Prof Tri Wiji Nurani, Chairperson of the IPB University Anti-Corruption Working Group said that the formation of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Culture course was formed from the results of the capacity building training for IPB University lecturers related to Anti-Corruption Education Series 2 conducted in August last year.

“From the results of the research, the formulation of the substance of Anti-Corruption Education (ACC) and the formulation of the learning outcomes of the course were agreed upon. The course formulation was continued with refinement by the IPB University Anticorruption Working Group Team, in consultation with the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs,” hesaid.

He continued, this year discussions were held intensely by the IPB University Anti-Corruption Working Group with the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Director of Educational Administration, Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology, Director of General Competency Programs and Director of Student Affairs.

“The zoom meeting in August 2023 decided that there should be corruption prevention education to be an enrichment course in K2020 IPB University,” he said.

In accordance with Prof Tri Wiji, the course’s learning outcomes are the understanding students have and the internalization of integrity and anti-corruption ideals gained through many different activities.

“Through these activities, students can understand the theories and concepts of corruption, academic integrity, anti-corruption values and principles, corruption in legislation, causal factors and national and international movements and instruments to eradicate corruption,” he said.

In addition, students are expected to be able to find the causal factors of various examples of corruption cases in general in society; in the organizational environment; in the field of natural resources and agriculture in a broad sense; and be able to provide recommendations for prevention efforts.

“One of the activities designed by the Anti-Corruption Working Group that will later be recognized or equalized with this course is IPB Integrity Fest 2023. The activity is carried out to build integrity and anti-corruption culture in the campus environment through the development and utilization of social communication media,” said Prof Tri Wiji. (Lp) (IAAS/ASB)