IPB University Holds Seminar on Research Results on Competitive Grants for Functional Staff Positions in 2023

IPB University Holds Seminar on Research Results on Competitive Grants for Functional Staff Positions in 2023

IPB University Gelar Seminar Hasil Penelitian Hibah Kompetitif Jabatan Fungsional Tendik Tahun 2023

IPB University held a seminar on research results from competitive grants for functional positions of educational staff (tendik) in 2023. This activity was attended by staff who have functional positions in educational laboratory staff (PLP), librarians and archivists. This activity was held for two days in the Common Class Room (CCR) Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Bogor Campus (7-8.11).

Director of Human Resources (HR) IPB University, Dr Heti Mulyati, said that this activity had been held since 2018. She explained that the funded staff consisted of 17 groups of PLP functional positions, 3 groups of archivists and 6 groups of librarians.

“Competitive grants for functional staff positions begin in April 2023. The proponents of each proposal are 2-3 people per group and are accompanied by lecturers. “This grant research must produce a draft scientific publication and it is hoped that it can be published in national and international journals,” she said.

Furthermore, Dr Heti hopes that this seminar can improve technical performance and governance so that in the future it can be useful for their respective work units.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector of IPB University for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience, Dr Alim Setiawan, said that apart from being part of academic accountability, this seminar was also broadcast for the science assembly to spread benefits at IPB University.

“This competitive grant is something that must be implemented. “IPB University is committed to running this program as a mode for research and finding empirical facts,” he said.

Dr Alim hopes that in the future the scope of participants will be expanded not only to functional staff, but will also extend to implementing staff.

“We are also dedicated to improving the competence of both lecturers and staff. There is a lot of training and certification that you can take. “After this activity, it is hoped that we can optimize the research results so that they have a sustainable impact,” he said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)