IPB University Graduate School Student Gets Double Degree Program Scholarship at Hokkaido University

IPB University Graduate School Student Gets Double Degree Program Scholarship at Hokkaido University

Mahasiswa Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Ini Mendapatkan Beasiswa Program Double Degree di Hokkaido University
Student Insight EN

A doctoral student from the Nutrition and Feed Science (INP) study program of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University, Rika Zahera, received a Double Degree (DD) program scholarship at the Biosciences Course, Animal Function and Nutrition Laboratory, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan with funding from the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI).

One of the mandatory requirements for applying for the scholarship is proof of cooperation or a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two universities. SPs IPB University and the Graduate School of Agriculture at Hokkaido University, Japan, have collaborated to simplify the process for students to receive scholarships from BPI.

Rika Zahera explained the experience of registering for a double degree program by conducting an entrance examination through an online interview after getting approval and registering as a student of Hokkaido University.

“I have to make sure that the scholarship program I get can cover my living expenses during my studies at Hokkaido University and get approval from Prof Satoshi Koike as my supervisor at Hokkaido University who will start my studies in October 2023,” she said.

Rika Zahera expressed her hope that she could complete her education well and on time, especially in the implementation of research with two different topics and graduation requirements at both IPB University and Hokkaido University.

“By participating in this DD program, it can increase experience, both with lecturers and students at Hokkaido University, so that it can build opportunities for international collaboration later, especially in the field of research and academics,” said Rika.

In addition, Rika Zahera gave a message for prospective students who want to get this program, namely the need to do careful planning and hard work, “The process of applying for this DD scheme scholarship requires a strong commitment, starting from determining research topics, making contact with prospective supervisors, until finally being accepted as a DD student candidate,” she added. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/ASB)