IPB University Establishes Agricultural Collaboration with Bolaang Mongondow Regency Government  

IPB University Establishes Agricultural Collaboration with Bolaang Mongondow Regency Government  

IPB University Jalin Kerjasama Pertanian dengan Pemkab Bolaang Mongondow

IPB University collaborates with the Regency Government (Pemkab) of North Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi province, in the field of agriculture in a broad sense. Collaboration discussions were held in the Meeting Room, Delta Building, Gunung Gede Campus, IPB University Vocational School, (17/11).

IPB University Vice Rector For Global Connectivity, Collaboration And Alumni Relations, Prof Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar welcomed the collaboration with the North Bolaang Mongondow Regency Government. He said, this collaboration is a collaboration that can give birth to ideas and ideas for better regional progress.

He said that this collaboration would focus on the agricultural sector in a broad sense, considering that 40 percent of the livelihoods of the people of North Bolaang Mongondow depend on agriculture. According to him, this collaboration is important to develop an agricultural and forestry master plan in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency, especially to identify the suitability of land for the commodities to be cultivated in the area.

“God willing, we will also identify what IPB University plant varieties can be tested. They still have to be tested, but after conducting spatial, spatial and land suitability studies,” he said.

Prof Iskandar explained that this collaboration would be adjusted to the vision of North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. He said that in planning, he had to discuss with the North Bolaang Mongondow Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) regarding the budgeting process.

“The hope of this collaboration is that what we are doing is the result of joint thinking between IPB University and North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. So, not only from IPB University, we need input from the local government so that the plans we make are in accordance with the conditions, environment and socio-culture there,” said Prof Iskandar.

Meanwhile, Acting (Pj) Regent of North Bolaang Mongondow Sirajudin Lasena, SE, MEc said, North Bolaang Mongondow is a district in North Sulawesi which is only 16 years old. According to him, the region’s teenagers are still looking for their identity and want to add references in order to prepare future development plans.

He explained that designing the Long Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD) for North Bolaang Mongondow requires cooperation from various parties, one of which is universities. His party then carried out a comparative study in areas in Sulawesi. As a result, we found that Parigi Moutong in Central Sulawesi was successful in the agricultural sector. Apparently, his success was thanks to assistance from IPB University.

“Therefore, we took the courage to send a letter to IPB University, to imitate the success story of Parigi Moutong who was accompanied by IPB University,” he said.

He hopes that collaboration with IPB University can provide development progress, especially in the agricultural sector in North Bolaang Mongondow. He admitted that at the age of 16 North Bolaang Mongondow still had shortcomings so he needed help and guidance from IPB University in the agricultural sector.

“Hopefully our agricultural sector can increase, develop and support the economy as stated in the national development plan until 2045,” he said. (MHT) (IAAS/RZL)