IPB University and USFS Review the Urgency of Tree Health Inspection Standards, Support Sustainable City Ecosystems  

IPB University and USFS Review the Urgency of Tree Health Inspection Standards, Support Sustainable City Ecosystems  

IPB University dan USFS Ulas Urgensi Standar Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Pohon, Dukung Ekosistem Kota Berkelanjutan

IPB University in collaboration with the United States Forest Service – International Program (USFS-IP) held a focus group discussion (FGD) with the theme ‘The Importance of Tree Health Inspection Standards to Support Sustainable City Ecosystems’. The FGD was held in a hybrid manner at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor (1/11).

This FGD is a continuation of previous limited discussions with several experts, especially members of the Indonesian Arboriculture Society (MArI) and researchers at the IPB University Arboriculture Research Cluster in August 2023.

Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations, in his speech said that this activity is an important agenda in efforts to realize standard national operational guidelines that regulate procedures and steps for tree inspection.

“We really appreciate the support of USFS-IP because it is involved in efforts to develop and strengthen technology to maintain the best ecosystem services as part of contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially for SDG 11 and SDG 15,” he said.

In the first session, the FGD speakers came from the MArI team and the IPB University Arboriculture Research Cluster, namely, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar and Prof Dodi Nandika. Other speakers came from the Task Force (Satgas) The New National Capital City project (IKN) represented by Airyn Harahap Saputri ST, MSc, Head of Sub-Directorate for Region I Development of Residential Areas, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR).

The FGD continued in the second session with speakers Herlina Merinda, chairman of the Green Belt Division, DKI Jakarta City Parks and Forest Service, Dr Kaswanto from IPB University. Next, knowledge sharing by Arief Noor Rachmadiyanto, MP from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and closed by Prof Lina Karlinasari, Professor at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University, who delivered material on ‘The Journey to the Draft Indonesian National Standards’ (RSNI).

The results of the recommendations from this FGD activity will be to take concrete actions through intensive discussions on the formulation of draft standards, so that the hopes of all parties that Indonesia has comprehensive ‘Tree Health Inspection Standards’ can soon be realized.

On the occasion of this FGD, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed between MArI and the Forestry Engineering Vocational Agency of the Indonesian Engineers Association (BKTHut-PII). In this MoU, MArI and BKTHut are committed to continuing to collaborate in improving human resources, especially for arboricultural expertise which is included in the BKTHut-PII family. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RZL)