Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University Establishes Collaboration with PT Firm Agro Technology

Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University Establishes Collaboration with PT Firm Agro Technology

Fakultas Peternakan IPB University Jalin Kerjasama dengan PT Firm Agro Teknologi

Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University agreed to collaborate with PT Firm Agro Technology (Metion).  The signing of the Cooperation Agreement was held in the Fapet Conference Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, (1/11). Metion is a limited liability company engaged in upstream to downstream animal science. The company is also a large trader of meat and processed meat, including other preserved meat.

Dr Idat Galih Permana, Dean of Fapet IPB University, said that the collaboration with Metion would develop beyond just one commodity. He said this collaboration could extend to education, research, product development, and promotion of livestock products as a field for alumni with a mission to educate the nation.

Furthermore, he said that this collaboration is also an effort to increase animal protein consumption. “People are increasingly aware and there is a higher demand for animal protein, so the livestock sector will get more opportunities,” he said.

Metion Director, Faisal Rahman, SSi welcomed the collaboration with Fapet IPB University. “What we want to aim for is a valuable company, with farmers we give access to markets, finance and digital. Although there are obstacles, not all farmers can succeed, if we have a lot of discussion and education, then things like that are important for us to collaborate with academics,” he explained.

Faisal also explained that his company has been trialling a platform for farmers. Through this platform, farmers can get notifications about what to do.

“Simply put, we involve students, alumni, and farm partners. We started downstreaming earlier, entering the online market but what we need to ensure in downstreaming is sustainability. We are also planning a sustainability theme in 2024. If we take an angle in the downstream, then this effort has a role in environmental sustainability,” he explained.

Both parties agreed that the MoA was a good, effective and beneficial start, and it is hoped that it will continue into many more concrete matters. This cooperation must also provide benefits and positive impacts on both parties.

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement was initiated by Ir Ria Susanti, an alumnus of Fapet IPB University who was also present with the Metion team. Also present were the Vice Deans of Fapet, Prof Irma Isnafia Arief and Dr Sri Suharti. (Femmy) (IAAS/RUM)