Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Provides Competence for Mental Health Task Force

Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) of IPB University together with the Family Learning Center (Puspaga) of the Office of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) Bogor City held a training for the Mental Health Task Force. The event was held in the Fapet Conference Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, (22/11). Participants of the activity consisted of lecturers, active students and educational staff in Fapet IPB University.
Dr Iyep Komala, the person in charge of the Mental Health Task Force of Fapet IPB University revealed, this training is needed so that participants get direction from Puspaga. “How to trigger students who want to do counselling want to talk and we can ensure that confidentiality will be guaranteed,” he said.
Elly Sahara Harahap, SE, MSi JFT as the Referral Coordinator of Puspaga DP3A explained that DP3A takes care of women and children to prevent violence against them. It also empowers existing women, especially in the city of Bogor.
“We have two services regarding women and children. First, there is a family learning center, which is prevention so that there is no violence against women and children, and serves all the problems experienced by the people of Bogor city,” Eli explained. She also guarantees the confidentiality of all confessions submitted by the community.
“We also hold educational socialization in schools from PAUD, Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School. For the student level, we just held it here. This is our honor and experience,” she added.
The training featured Mochammad Raihan Nur Fadhillah, SPsi as the resource person. With an easy-to-understand narrative, especially for young people, the psychologist from Puspaga Bogor City succeeded in delivering counselling material sequentially and interactively with participants.
Raihan, as he is familiarly called, even invited participants directly to practice how to solve a case example in a counselling session.
Vice Dean of Fapet IPB University for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof Irma Isnafia Arief was also present and appreciated the activity. She said, “We are very concerned and focused on assisting these students to succeed in their studies at IPB University.”
Prof Irma also stated that the assistance of the counsellors to students was very helpful. Not only limited to counselling, they even visited students’ homes to solve problems together with the family.
“They are the future of the nation, our responsibility. Hopefully, this task force will be well institutionalized and we will have a standard operating procedure (SOP) system for handling various conditions from fellow students,” she hoped. (Femmy/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)