Encouraging Export Products, LKST IPB University Holds Workshop on Edar Permits in Foreign Markets

Encouraging Export Products, LKST IPB University Holds Workshop on Edar Permits in Foreign Markets

Dorong Produk Ekspor, LKST IPB University Gelar Workshop Izin Edar di Pasar Luar Negeri

Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University held a workshop on foreign distribution permit at Swiss Belcourt, Bogor (15/11). This activity is in order to support the innovation products produced in order to meet the requirements in accordance with the rules in foreign markets.

Vice Chairman of LKST IPB University for Innovation Development and Technology Transfer, Dr Tri Prartono, said that currently LKST IPB University is implementing the PRIMESTeP 2023 program. The program is a support from the government to increase the quality value of innovation products. One of the focuses of this program is product licensing for export abroad.

“These steps are designed to advance IPB University to a higher level in terms of science and technology development. The government has provided significant support so as to encourage local products to obtain distribution licenses in the international market,” he said.

Furthermore, Dr Prartono hopes that many innovative products from IPB University can be launched in the market.

Currently, we continue to strive to meet the government’s expectations that encourage IPB University products to enter the international market. In this effort, we involve ourselves in activities that provide insight into the process of licensing products abroad,” he explained.

The acting chairman of LKST IPB University, Dr Rokhani, revealed that this event was very important regarding the legal aspects of the product. According to him, in order to discuss the complexity of product legality, several issues emerged as the main focus.

“First, the issue of food safety, where buyers scrutinize product safety. Furthermore, pesticide residues related to pests and diseases are in the spotlight for producers,” he said.

Dr Rokhani continued that product success is also closely related to good manufacturing and fulfillment of management standards. In addition, consumer education is also key because consumers want to understand the benefits of the product.

“Maintaining the brand image in product branding also needs strategic planning, ensuring sustainability and competitiveness in the market. To gain recognition in the global market, product export strategies must take into account the standards and regulations in the destination country,” he said.

The workshop also brought in resource persons who provided in-depth insights into obtaining distribution licenses in the African, Turkish and Chinese market regions. Participants were introduced to the latest regulations and procedures in obtaining a distribution license and regulatory aspects in each region. (dr)/(/IAAS/ASB)