Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB University Gives Appreciation to Scholarship Donors in 2023

Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB University Gives Appreciation to Scholarship Donors in 2023

Direktorat Kemahasiswaan IPB University Memberikan Apresiasi Kepada Donatur Beasiswa Tahun 2023

Appreciation of scholarship donors or IPB’s Scholarship Contributor is an activity organized with the noble aim of giving appreciation to donors and partners who have provided scholarship funds to students of IPB University. The activity was held on Tuesday, 7/11 at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor.

Director of Student Affairs at IPB University, Dr Ujang Suwarna, in his report explained that the development of scholarships and tuition assistance of IPB University in 2020 up to 2023 continues to show an increase in the number of donors, and the funds that had been collected in scholarship fundings has reached a total of 117 billion rupiah.

“We hope that we can continue to develop the network to increase the number of scholarships to as much as 100 donors. Scholarship recipients this year have reached a sum of 10.244 students, meaning that 44 percent of IPB University students received scholarships,” he said.

He continues that IPB University have always opened the widest possible door to donors to provide scholarship assistance. “We really appreciate and thank the donors for their help and hope that next year the number of donors, scholarship funds and students can continue to increase,” he added.

In his remarks, Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana thanked the scholarship donors who have actively contributed so that 44 percent of IPB University students could receive scholarships.

“The scholarship recipient students are fostered by IPB University starting from the first semester, which proves that the achievements made by the students are the results of a structured and well-measured coaching process,” he said.

He revealed that today’s activity was a form of gratitude. He hopes that donors can continue to grow because there are still many IPB University students who need scholarship assistance, therefore assistance from donors is considered very valuable.

Dr Walneg S Jas, Chairman of the Alumni Association (HA) of IPB University delivered his speech as a representative of the scholarship donors of Yayasan Peduli IPB (YAPI). “I appreciate this activity, which is a form of accountability to submit reports to all IPB University scholarship donors,” he announced.

He explained the many benefits of donating at IPB University. First, the benefits of alms or charity that can help increase one’s sustenance. Second, helping to fight for the intelligence of the nation’s children. Third, students who have been helped by scholarships will have an extraordinary impact on thousands of the next generation of young Indonesians.

“HA IPB University since a few years ago made a scheme that we are determined to contribute to this scholarship with at least 1000 students per year. We have a solid plan that those 1000 students will give back to their alma mater to become donors themselves in the future,” he said. (IAAS/ZRT)