Developing MSME Products around Campus, DPMA Organizes OVOC For Product Development Program

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University organized the One Village One CEO (OVOC) Program for Product Development. The activity was held at the Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP) on Sunday, 12/11.
OVOC For Product Development is a program that focuses on developing fostered MSME products in the village around the IPB University campus. In addition, this program also provides opportunities for students and lecturers to conduct community service and implement innovations to improve the quality and quantity of products to be fostered.
DPMA Social Entrepreneurship Supervisor, M Isbayu, said the OVOC For Product Development Program focuses on product development, quality improvement, and increasing added value to superior products that have been developed in previous programs.
“There are three main series in this program which include CEO School For General, survey, and implementation of product development program. The CEO School For General or Entrepreneur School activity aims to equip students to create an entrepreneurial spirit based on sociopreneur and community development,” said Isbayu.
He continued, that the students who were participants in the OVOC For Product Development program had carried out survey activities to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) assisted by the IPB University campus circle.
“Through product curation activities previously carried out at Saba Kampus, five MSMEs have been selected as partners in this program, namely UMKM Kerupuk Kulit Cibanteng Village, UMKM Pisang Bolen Cibadak Village, UMKM Sambal Bawang Makju Ciherang Village, UMKM Kweni Juice Sukadamai Village and UMKM Bandrek Petir Village,” said Sherly Eka Maulidiya, the person in charge of the program.
Eka continued, that each UMKM will be accompanied by one group. After conducting the survey, students will present the results of the survey which will be reviewed by two expert lecturers, Dr Tjahja Muhandri, lecturer at the Department of Food Science and Technology, and Dr Indah Yuliasih, lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology.
“This activity can be a forum for students to practice and learn about how to build a business so that the hope is that there will be more sociopreneurs or CEOs from IPB University. One of the strategies that students can do is optimizing Digital Marketing through the existing marketplace platform,” said Dr Tjahja.