Creating Excellent Leaders, IPB University Held Public Sector Risk Management Training

Creating Excellent Leaders, IPB University Held Public Sector Risk Management Training

Ciptakan Pimpinan Unggul, IPB University Gelar Pelatihan Manajemen Risiko Sektor Publik

In order to form superior leaders, the IPB University Risk Management Office (KMR) held Public Sector Risk Management Training for Faculty, School and Unit Leaders. This activity was held at Luminor Hotel Padjadjaran, Bogor (16-17/11).

Chairman of KMR IPB University, Dr Budi Purwanto said the main aim of this activity was to increase the capabilities of leaders in related units. According to him, leaders must have the ability to manage risks so that decisions taken are based on risk considerations.

“In the organizational structure, it is necessary to recognize that risk control must involve parties at the faculty level and reach the roots,” he said.

Dr Budi continued, the short-term focus is to develop the team into strategic leaders and maintain the presence of technical analysts who can look for solutions in depth.

“We plan to invite risk officers back as risk champions in accordance with ISO 31000 guidelines. Their presence can provide technical support to achieve targets in each faculty and carry out daily risk management processes,” he explained.

Dr Budi hopes that each unit can develop its risk performance. This step is important so that in the future, work units can identify risk levels that can be controlled and ensure risk sustainability with more careful planning.

According to him, the focus is not only on achieving targets, but also on understanding and dealing with the root causes of problems that have occurred in the past so that problems do not recur.

“When a problem arises, the approach will include analyzing the causes of the problem to uncover its origins and provide learning through the applied methodology. “Effectiveness in risk control can be achieved through a good control process, so that the impact can be minimized,” he explained.

On the same occasion, Tri Wahyono as a Way Academy trainer revealed that risk management is an approach that integrates principles into a solid process and framework.

According to him, it is important to recognize that the validation and limitations of risk management strategies need to be communicated transparently to decision makers. Risk management involves complex interactions between people and culture. Both are the main pillars as controllers and sources of risk.

“The public sector often experiences negative perceptions regarding risk that can limit the development and implementation of effective risk management practices. “For this reason, it is important to open a dialogue regarding how controls are designed within a risk management framework,” he concluded. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)