Commemorating World One Health Day, IPB University Holds Public Lecture on Controlling Infectious Animal Diseases

Commemorating World One Health Day, IPB University Holds Public Lecture on Controlling Infectious Animal Diseases

Peringati World One Health Day, IPB University Gelar Kuliah Umum Bahas Pengendalian Penyakit Hewan Menular

IPB University’s Global Health Agromaritime and One Health Collaborating Centre (GHA-OHCC) held an online One Health Public Lecture on Saturday (4/11). The theme raised in this public lecture was ‘One Health Approach in Animal Health System as a form of Communicable Animal Disease Control’.

This activity was held in commemoration of The 8th World One Health Day which falls on 3 November 2023. The purpose of this public lecture was to provide insight into the concept of one health as a form of infectious animal disease control. The public lecture was attended by 294 participants consisting of students and the general public from all over Indonesia.

Dr drh Nuryani Zainuddin, Director of Animal Health, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) RI, in her speech said that Indonesia is one of the hotspots of emerging infectious diseases. Until now, there are a lot of news related to zoonotic diseases that continue to threaten.

“This is what interests us all and we need to know the role of veterinarians. The domain of veterinary medicine is all activities directly or indirectly related to animals, their products and by-products, which help protect, maintain and improve human health and welfare. This includes the protection of animal health and animal welfare, as well as food safety,” he explained.

Also present were the GHA-OHCC Coordinator of IPB University who is also the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of IPB University, Prof drh Srihadi Agungpriyono who gave a speech and lecturer at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedicine (SKHB) IPB University, drh Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi, MSi who guided the discussion.

“The information presented by the speakers this time is certainly very useful for us, both from government institutions, regions, academics, students and also the community. How the role of one health in dealing with zoonotic and PIB threats and the workflow of the National Animal Health System (Siskeswanas) as a form of reality,” said one of the public lecture participants. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)