BEM KM IPB University Discusses with KLHK RI to Create a Better Environment

BEM KM IPB University Discusses with KLHK RI to Create a Better Environment

BEM KM IPB University Berdiskusi bersama KLHK RI Ciptakan Lingkungan yang Lebih Baik
Student Insight EN

The Student Executive Board of the Student Family (BEM KM) IPB University collaborated with the environmental cadres of IPB University to discuss with the Director of Air Pollution Control of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK RI) on 12/11 at the GMSK Auditorium of IPB University.

Luckmi Purwadari, Director of Air Pollution Control of KLHK RI said, every city in Indonesia already has an air quality detector and the results of several areas in Jabodetabek have poor air quality.

“This air quality can be seen through the KLHK web. The results show that the eastern region has air quality that can absorb CO2 so the quality is good,” he said.

He said the increasing transportation, lack of public awareness to use public transportation, as well as the use of production and distribution machines can increase pollution.

“To create clean air quality KLHK cannot be alone so there must be support from various parties such as academics, communities, institutions, companies, and other parties so that they can continue to work together,” Luckmi said.

Coordinating Minister for Society of BEM KM IPB University, Latif Hidayatul Ikhsan said that students must be role models and pioneers in good things such as the environment today.

“Fresh air will make it easy for us to breathe and of course, our health is better maintained too so that the environmental cadres of IPB University are committed to making real action for the environment and campus community to be better,” he said.

IPB University Environmental Expert, Dr Siti Badriyah R argued that IPB University has waste management that continues to be improved to protect the environment.

“Plastic waste can be processed without producing pollution, and organic waste can be processed into compost fertilizer innovation,” she said.

Dr Siti said, awareness must continue to be held among students and the entire IPB University community because environmental pollution will cause climate change impacts if prevention is not carried out. (IAAS/TNY)