BEM KM IPB University and Bogor Regency Government Create “Our Voice for Greater Bogor” Agenda

BEM KM IPB University and Bogor Regency Government Create “Our Voice for Greater Bogor” Agenda

BEM KM IPB University bersama Pemkab Bogor Buat Agenda Suara Kita untuk Bogor Raya

The Student Executive Board of IPB University, together with the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) held a talk show ‘Suara Kita untuk Bogor Raya (SKBR)’. The forum is a mean for conveying the aspirations of the general public, including students, related to development issues in Bogor Regency.

The SKBR activity presented Prima Yunita Paratama, Head of Planning and Funding of the Bogor Regency Research and Development Planning Agency (Bappedalitbang).

“This activity aims to provide explanations to the general public and students about current development in Bogor Regency. This is also a place to convey aspirations,” explained the President of KM IPB University, Imadudin Abdurrahman.

He continued, “Students are certainly not silent when there are things they want to convey to make Bogor better. Therefore, this meeting is a form of audience for Bogor residents to know the current state of Bogor.”

“Spatial planning and economic development must be in harmony with the existing conditions of society. The involvement of the business community and the government to always collaborate for mutual progress must continue to be improved,” he added.

Ikhwan as the Coordinating Minister of Movement of BEM KM IPB University said, “Our Voice for Greater Bogor is an open talk show that raises several topics such as the realization of work and development achievements, equitable development and infrastructure management in Bogor Regency.”

On this occasion, Prima said that the realization of the work and development achievements of the Bogor Regency Government for the 2019-2023 period had now reached the target according to the design of the Regent. However, he admitted that this achievement was not yet optimal.

“There is still unresolved homework (PR) due to the emergence of new problems in the social, environmental and public health fields. The government is committed to encouraging equitable development in Bogor Regency,” she explained.

Prima also said that her institution also continues to undertake as well as to oversee the development and management of infrastructure in Bogor Regency for the better. “We as the government certainly open innovations from universities to help realize these things,” she hoped. (*/Rz)