These are the Rules for Promotion to Functional Positions at IPB University: No Longer Complicated, Everything is Integrated

These are the Rules for Promotion to Functional Positions at IPB University: No Longer Complicated, Everything is Integrated

Ini Aturan Kenaikan Pangkat Jabatan Fungsional IPB University: Tidak Lagi Rumit, Semua Sudah Terintegrasi

Located in the Library Meeting Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, the Directorate of Human Resources (HR) IPB University held a Socialization on the Preparation and Performance Assessment of the Functional Position of Archivist. A total of 28 participants who were functional archivists within IPB University attended the invitation.

“The performance assessment of archivists is based on the new regulations, there is data integration. Not only for archivists, but all functional staff, namely educational staff (tendik) and lecturers. The purpose of this meeting is to finalize the preparation of employee performance targets (SKP) into data integration. “So, ladies and gentlemen just have to monitor when their promotions will be,” said Suherman, SE as Assistant Chair of Career and Competency Development, Human Resources Directorate of IPB University (16/10).

Suherman explained that this has been regulated in the Ministerial Regulation (Permen) for the Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) No. 1 of 2023. This regulation is a refinement of PANRB Ministerial Regulation No. 13 of 2019 concerning Proposing, Determining and Development of Functional Positions for Civil Servants (civil servants).

PANRB Ministerial Regulation No. 1 of 2023 has been launched on July 1 2023. This regulation was made considering that previously performance assessments in fulfilling credit figures were considered conventional and made it difficult to propose promotions. With the new rules, performance assessment is now based on determining performance predicates which are converted into credit numbers from conventional to integrated.

“Now the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is organizing and working hard to complete homework (PR) for all functional staff and lecturer positions until December 31 2023. “Based on PANRB Ministerial Regulation No. 1 of 2023, all functional positions are combined and integrated in the collection of credit numbers,” he explained.

Present as resource persons were the Head of the Information Management and Digital Transformation Institute (LMITD) Ir Julio Adi Santoso, MKom, Deputy Head of LMITD for Digital Libraries and Archives, Dr Setyo Edy Susanto. The material presented is related to the procedures for making SKP archivists and the SKP assessment system from conversion to integration. Also presented was a new paradigm for managing archives and adjusting conventional credit numbers to integrated credit numbers for archivist functional positions through the Digitalization of Conventional to Integrated Credit Score Assessment System (DISPAKATI) application launched by the National Civil Service Agency (BKN).

“Well, these latest developments are booming at the national level because all functional positions are integrated into one data. It has been agreed that your credit figures will be integrated into this system and a decision letter (SK) will be issued. “From this decree, the final credit figure, ladies and gentlemen, was obtained,” said Suherman. (HR/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)