Scopus Indexed, JPSL Becomes IPB University’s Internationally Recognized Journal

Scopus Indexed, JPSL Becomes IPB University’s Internationally Recognized Journal

Terindeks Scopus, JPSL Jadi Jurnal IPB University yang Diakui di Dunia Internasional

Scientific journals as a medium for disseminating information on the work of researchers and academics have an important role in building the reputation of research-based universities at the national and global levels. The reputation of journals that have been recognized internationally also contributes to the good name of the journal and the institution that publishes it.

In recent years, IPB University has had 4 Scopus-indexed journals. Currently, one more scientific journal has been added, namely the Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (JPSL). The journal, which can be accessed at, was declared Scopus indexed on Friday (6/10).

JPSL is a journal managed by the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program (PSL), Postgraduate School, in collaboration with the Environmental Research Center (PPLH). This journal has existed since 2011.

JPSL publishes scientific articles, conceptual thoughts, reviews, and book reviews on natural resource management and the tropical environment. As of 2019, JPSL has published four issues annually in March, June, September, and December.

“Journals are strategic media for increasing scientific articles that have a global impact. The more the number of journal issues, the higher the opportunity for journals to produce quality articles,” said Director of Strategic Studies and Academic Reputation (KSRA), Prof Anuraga Jayanegara.

Preparation for Scopus indexation of JPSL was carried out with intensive assistance since 2022 by DKSRA IPB University. DKSRA IPB University’s support is in the form of journal page make-up assistance and presenting speakers who provide input related to journal readiness in the indexation process.

After receiving various suggestions and making various improvements from the speakers, namely Dr Iman Rusmana, Editor in Chief (EIC) Hayati: Journal of Biosciences (Scopus, Q3) and Prof Efi Yuliati Yovi, EIC of Journal of Tropical Forest Management or JMHT (Scopus, Q3), JPSL finally decided to apply for Scopus indexation in August 2023.

Dr Yudi Setiawan, as the EIC of JPSL expressed his gratitude for the facilities provided by DKSRA IPB University to support the submission of JPSL indexation to Scopus. The indexing of JPSL in reputable international institutions, namely Scopus, brings fresh air to the IPB University journal scene.

“Hopefully, this DKSRA assistance program will motivate other journals at IPB University to produce more journals indexed by Scopus,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)