Realizing Purwasari as Tilapia Center Village, IPB University PKM Team Carries Three Missions

Realizing Purwasari as Tilapia Center Village, IPB University PKM Team Carries Three Missions

Wujudkan Purwasari Desa Sentra Nila, Tim PKM IPB University Usung Tiga Misi Ini
Student Insight EN

IPB University’s Community Service Student Creativity Program (PKM-PM) team created a Team of Service Community program to realize Purwasari Village, Bogor, West Java as a tilapia center village. Nur Afra Nabila, head of the PKM team, said the community service program consisted of three missions: fisheries development, self-sufficient feed, and selling place.

“The three missions are expected to answer the challenges in Purwasari Village in achieving the village’s goal as a tilapia center. This service program is expected to help the community, especially fish farmers, in improving their fisheries cultivation. We also partner with the local community, especially the youth who are members of the village youth group,” Nabila explained.

The first mission carried out by IPB University students is fisheries development. This mission began with socialization activities to the local youth group regarding the pond system. This socialization contains an explanation of a good pond system to increase the productivity of aquaculture.

“We also revitalized the ponds in order to increase the productivity of the ponds in Purwasari Village. This activity began with checking the pond’s inlet and outlet channels for leakage. After checking, sludge from the previous cycle of cultivation waste was transported from the pond to deepen the water level. This is done so that the stocking density of cultured fish can be maximized,” explained Nabila.

Next, the ponds where the sludge has been removed are then dried so that harmful microorganisms can disappear in the soil of the culture ponds.

Nabila, along with team members Lilih Safitri, Permana Putra Pamuji, M Marhan Irakas, and Audia Anjani and guided by lecturer Dudi Muhammad Wildan SPi, MSi hopes that this activity will be able to make the ponds in Purwasari Village productive in order to increase the yield of fish farmed by the local community. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ASB)