Prof Trisna Priadi Unveils Environmentally Friendly Wood Quality Improvement Technology

Prof Trisna Priadi Unveils Environmentally Friendly Wood Quality Improvement Technology

Prof Trisna Priadi Ungkap Teknologi Peningkatan Mutu Kayu Ramah Lingkungan

Indonesia is a country with biodiversity and has around 4,000 tree species, which have the potential to be used as building wood. According to IPB University expert, Prof Trisna Priadi, this condition must be preserved, developed and managed sustainably.

In the Press Conference of the Pre Scientific Oration of Professor of IPB University on Thursday 19/10 online, Prof Trisna reviewed the protection of wood and buildings can be done by engineering wood materials, engineering the design of building structures, and well-programmed building protection management.

“The integration of wood and building protection is very important in the welfare of human life and supports sustainable management of forest resources,” said Prof Trisna.

In addition, Prof Trisna explained the threat of biodeterioration in houses and buildings. He said that wood is a natural material that can be renewed (renewable), low processing energy, multipurpose and aesthetic appearance. However, wood is also a target for attack by destructive organisms.

According to him, the high risk of wood biodeterioration in buildings in Indonesia is also supported by a warm, humid tropical climate and high rainfall throughout the year. “Efforts to overcome the threat of biodeterioration in houses and buildings are called pre construction (before the house or building is built) and post construction (already happened),” he explained.

Prof Trisna added, in pre construction, it can be done by choosing durable materials so that it will have a longer lifespan because it contains extractive substances that are toxic and also improve the material so that it becomes resistant to destructive attacks, both fungi and termites.

“Post construction of buildings that have been built and attacked by their components, chemical treatment can be carried out. For example, injecting chemicals that have been damaged and replaced with durable wood or given chemical treatment,” said the Full-time Professor of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment at IPB University.

On the other hand, supporting factors for biodeterioration are non-durable wood, high tropical climate (CH, RH, T) and abundance of destructive organisms that can cause economic losses and health, comfort and safety to a person.

“Biodeterioration by termites and weathering fungi, which threatens homes and buildings, needs to be prevented and controlled through wood material engineering and building protection management,” he said.

He said that the use of vegetable oil, especially candlenut, with 14 degrees centigrade heating can increase the effectiveness of boron compound wood preservatives in resisting leaching, fungal attack and termites, thus supporting the use of wood in exterior functions. (Ns/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)