One Health Student Club IPB University Students Go to the Community

One Health Student Club IPB University Students Go to the Community

Mahasiswa One Health Student Club IPB University Terjun ke Masyarakat
Student Insight EN

One Health Student Club (OHSC) IPB University carried out a Student Project by going down to the community. This activity is the core programme of the Global Health Agromaritime and One Health Collaborating Center (GHA-OHCC) IPB University as well as the end of the entire series of OHSC activities.

This activity was held in collaboration with the One Health Workforce-Next Generation (OHW-NG) project run by the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN) which is part of the Southeast Asia One Health University (SEAOHUN) network. It is also supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECT) and funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

This activity was divided into two groups of students. The first group carried out the ‘Maggot Farming for Organic Waste Management’ activity at the Griya Wana Karya Permai (GWKP) Complex, Bubulak, Bogor. Students provided training to the community on maggot farming as an alternative in processing organic waste. In this activity, students collaborate with as a partner who cultivates maggot.

As for the second group, students organised an activity entitled ‘Youth Movement for Health: Educating Food Safety’ which is a socialisation for the community, especially housewives in improving food safety, especially chicken meat and egg consumption. The activity was carried out in Benteng Kampung Asten Village, Bogor.

In addition, there was also a demonstration on how to select chicken meat and eggs that are safe, healthy, whole, and halal (ASUH) guided by Dr drh Herwin Pisestyani, as a lecturer in Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology at IPB University.

Both activities received high enthusiasm from the community considering the benefits provided and can be implemented in everyday life.

“Hopefully, students can return to do community service activities like this. We in the community really need the active role of students,” said one of the society representatives. (AP/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)