The Festive Agrisymphony 2023, from Gebyar Nusantara, IPB Culinary Fest to Night Market

The Festive Agrisymphony 2023, from Gebyar Nusantara, IPB Culinary Fest to Night Market

Meriahnya Agrisymphony 2023, dari Gebyar Nusantara, IPB Culinary Fest Hingga Pasar Malam

As part of the 60th Anniversary celebration, IPB University successfully held a series of Closing Agrisymphony 2023 activities with the theme “Unity in Diversity” at IPB Darmaga Campus, Bogor.

Closing Agrisymphony 2023 was started by the performance of IPB University students. The euphoria of the activity continued with the holding of Gebyar Nusantara, Cultural Festival by several IPB Regional Student Organizations (OMDA IPB), IPB Culinary Fest until the Night Market which was opened to the public.

Rector of IPB University who was present at the moment said that this activity could be a happiness for all participants and hoped that the Student Organization (Ormawa) of IPB University would be one of the sources of happiness.

“Be happy and keep that happiness. Happiness is caused by three things. One is having a good family, two is having a good friend and three is having a good job. Because if we are happy, our hormones will be better, our energy will also be positive,” said Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University.

“The point is we are very proud and very appreciative of this activity. This Agrisymphony is a cultural art performance that can be shown by various elements, especially students of regional representatives, to introduce the culture of their respective regions,” said Dr Ujang Suwarna, Director of Student Affairs of IPB University.

Kresna Bhayu Adelta, as the person in charge of Agrisymphony 2023 hopes that everyone can get the benefits of the activities that have been carried out.

“This activity is in line with hopes and expectations, and this is one of the symbols that IPB University students can collaborate to be able to organize large activities such as Agrisymphony 2023,” Kresna added.

Project Leader of Agrisymphony 2023, I Gusti Aliyah Divana said that she did not expect the activity to be lively and get appreciation from various parties.

“I really did not expect that it would be this lively, this grand and get appreciation from family friends of IPB University students, the general public, and invited guests,” she said.

The excitement of the peak night of Closing Agrisymphony 2023 also presented guest star, Fabio Asher, who enlivened the peak night of Closing Agrisymphony 2023 as the largest student collaboration festival at IPB University and Bogor City. (*/Lp) (IAAS/MKY)