KPK Will Accompany The Admission Process Of New Students, Procuring Goods/Services And Managing IPB University Assets, This Is The Rector’s Response

KPK Will Accompany The Admission Process Of New Students, Procuring Goods/Services And Managing IPB University Assets, This Is The Rector’s Response

KPK Akan Dampingi Proses Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru, Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dan Manajemen Aset IPB University, Ini Tanggapan Rektor

The Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, welcomed the positive commitment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in assisting the process of admitting new students. This was revealed when Prof Arif gave directions in a focus group discussion (FGD) with the KPK which was held in the Academic Senate Meeting Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor recently.

Not only in the process of accepting new students, the Rector said that assistance will also be provided in the field of procurement of goods. This KPK assistance is carried out on the basis of budget results for the implementation of the anti-corruption education ecosystem program.

“We really support the assistance that will be provided by the KPK. Apart from that, asset management is also crucial, and managing cooperation. Regarding education and financial administration, IPB University already has good management because it is digital-based. “Hopefully with this KPK assistance, IPB University management will become stronger,” said Prof Arif.

Aida Ratna Zulaiha, Director of the KPK Education Network, said that this program was a follow-up to the implementation of further collaboration between IPB University and the KPK. Since 2021, collaboration has begun with discussions regarding anti-corruption education plans at IPB University.

“This is a continuation of the collaboration between IPB University and the KPK. In 2023, there is a main program that has been implemented, IPB University is becoming a pilot project related to guidelines for implementing the anti-corruption education ecosystem with the anti-corruption working group (pokja). “We have received input to improve the guidance document,” she explained.

The KPK’s meeting with IPB University this time is the first step in strengthening the integrity of the higher education ecosystem which will be carried out. In the FGD, a number of programs that would be carried out in order to strengthen the integrity of the ecosystem at IPB University were also discussed. Apart from that, IPB University’s priority and needed programs were also mapped out. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)